

Logansport, LA

United States

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  • lanadan Ds3

    Do you work in the oil and gas industry? You seem to know a lot about it. I am unleased in your section (sec20, 11n, 15w). Dealing with Chesapeake now over my 75 acres. Are you leased?
  • lanadan Ds3

    I have 75 "unleased" acres in sec 20. They have been trying to get me to sigh a lease for the last 3 years but I would not. I live on my property and am building a house there. It is across from Mills rd. on 191. It seems that I may be the only holdout (as fas as larger tracts) in the area. I hope that this will help me with my negotiations with Chesapeake.
  • lanadan Ds3

    Thank you so much for letting me know this information. There has been some logging activity on the Mills rd. for the last several weeks. Maybe this is what they are up to. Did you mean Pine Grove Church instead of Pine Creek? My husband talked to a man who lives in sec 21 who said there is a 16' pipeline coming through this area soon. Have you heard anything about that.
    Since you know a lot about sec 20, am I the only unleased property owner in this sec. Of those that are leased without the 2 year extension, when do their leases start to expire? Are there many and how much acreage do they have?
    Lets hope that whatever happens, that they don't start anything in sec 20 untill you get your minerals back in Sept!