Hey Karen, I went by there on my way home from work and then we had our neighborhood meeting at 7pm. The man (Castellano) was actually the one holding our neighborhood meeting! He was there in our subdivision to get more of us pooled in together. We were also able to ask questions, etc. to get more details, so it was helpful. And we were offered that same deal to get in on... I was telling your husband this morning, I have done almost nothing this past week but research offers, etc. to see what our township acreage is worth since we were offered $7500 last week. I had decided to take any offer $10k per acre or higher. So, after listening to what they had to say tonight at the neighborhood meeting, I am most likely going to do this deal. I am happy with that amount and really liked the specifications of his plan. What are ya'll thinking??? :) (Nice to meet you...)
Jul 7, 2008