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  • Les Bamburg

    SI, I am wondering if you are referring to the unit process. Chesapeake had the unit hearing on May 12th and the state issued the unit order for your section on June 30th.

    I did not think well permits required a hearing, only an application.

    Sorry for causing confusion. I use MMcfd for million cubic feet per day and Mcfd for thousand cubic feet per day. I realize the industry is not consistent in terminology.
  • Les Bamburg

    SI, I still have not seen a well permitted for your section. Several good wells have been drilled nearby including the ones shown below:

    Chesapeake, Johnson 10 #H1 Well, Serial #239645, S10-T14N-R15W, DeSoto Parish, 17000 Mcfd

    Chesapeake, Dixie 31 #H1 Well, Serial #239735, S31-T15N-R15W, Caddo Parish, 14400 Mcfd

    Chesapeake, Johnson 32 #H1 Well, Serial #239553, S32-T15N-R15W, Caddo Parish, 12500 Mcfd, 18/64" Choke, 7800 psi Flowing Pressure
  • Keith Mauck (Site Publisher)

    Well, it is on the left side of my neck, just below the base of the head and my neck "crunches" alot went I rotate it. Where do you practice? Around Shreveport?