Mark, I am new to the forum but appreciate your taking the time to share your information and knowledge with all. My family has leased property in LaSalle County which seems to be on the western edge of the EOG leases and just a little west and south of the Hof4 well. Our land appears to be on the border of the oil window and the wet gas window based upon the generalized maps I have seen. Could you share your thoughts on the prospects for wells drilled there, what you think the thickness of the shale formation might be and any other information you think relevant?
Thanks, B. Moon
Bill Moon
Thanks, B. Moon
Oct 27, 2010
Bill Moon
Thanks so much for your response.
Oct 27, 2010
Bill Moon
Mark, do you believe that there is a reasonable likelihood of productive formations below the Eagle Ford in Central LaSalle County?
Aug 2, 2011