Kay Caserta


Tyler, TX

United States

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Oil and Gas Professional

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  • Skip Peel - Mineral Consultant

    Kay, the current O&G development activity in Vernon Parish is not related to the Tuscaloosa Marine Shale.  Too far west.  Two Dogs knows this area well and would be the best member to contact directly.  It is my impression the Wilcox formation has drawn the bulk of the interest to date and that El Paso is probably the main company involved.  Vernon Parish may have some industry interest based on the emerging Austin Chalk but it has not manifested itself to the point it is evident at this time.
  • Skip Peel - Mineral Consultant

    Kay,  the latest activity is definitely Austin Chalk with Anadarko (A162) being the most active driller followed by Swift (S351) and Indigo II (60024).  Here's the list of the wells drilled in Vernon Parish since Jan. 2010.


    241312 AUS C RA SUJ;GASRS 5 001 05-MAY-10 A162 005-02S-11W 2117 BURR FERRY, SOUTH 19774 287 10

    241814 AUS C RB SUC;GASRS 18 UNIT 001 05-AUG-10 A162 018-01S-10W 2117 BURR FERRY, SOUTH 19270 288 10

    242407 BENTLEY LUMBER 32 001 22-NOV-10 60024 032-04N-05W 2114 BURNSTOWN 12500 289 01

    242473 HODGES-PEAVY 001 08-DEC-10 A138 015-04N-09W 7263 PEASON RIDGE 3600 290 10

    242887 AUS C RA SUK;GASRS 16 001 07-MAR-11 A162 016-02S-11W 2117 BURR FERRY, SOUTH 21912 291 01

    243238 AUS C RA SUF;GASRS LLC 20 001-ALT 12-MAY-11 S351 020-01S-10W 2117 BURR FERRY, SOUTH 19669 292  

    243636 AUS C RA SUH;GASRS 23 001 03-AUG-11 A162 023-01S-11W 2117 BURR FERRY, SOUTH 22227 293 01

    243644 AUS C RC SUA;GASRS 31 001 08-AUG-11 A162 031-01N-09W 7388 PINEWOOD 20747 294 01

    243723 AUS C RA SUE;EXXON CORP 10 001-ALT 26-AUG-11 S351 010-01S-05W 6567 MASTERS CREEK, WEST 20890

  • Skip Peel - Mineral Consultant

    You're welcome, Kay.  My land work is largely database research.