Aubrey, My brother-in-law, Jack Freeman, worked out of Robeline, La. with a man named Aubry Sanders. I think they worked for the U.S. Soil Conservation Dept. Was that your father? My contact information is Bob Ballard 318-472-5281, e-mail
Bob Ballard
Aubrey, My brother-in-law, Jack Freeman, worked out of Robeline, La. with a man named Aubry Sanders. I think they worked for the U.S. Soil Conservation Dept. Was that your father? My contact information is Bob Ballard 318-472-5281, e-mail
Dec 31, 2011
Skip Peel - Mineral Consultant
Thanks, Aubrey. I'll look forward to seeing just how these AIX wells are operated.
Mar 1, 2012
J.B. Evans
I hope to meet you someday as well! Keep in touch!
Oct 2, 2014