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  • tj06

    devon called dad i think it was yesterday and offered 2k and 3/16. he told them 5-6 minimum and 1/4
  • tj06

    hey,san just got back on tonight, dad said he talked to Buddy,Devon acted interested in all of it,said there was room to drill there if they could get neighbors to lease as well. he told them the going rate was 5 to 6 and 1/4, the guy said he could probably squeeze more money from them, but he did not know if they would go for the 1/4. are you going to the meeting in many wed night? i
    would like to, but i;ve got an office meeting that night.
    keep me informed. see ya.
  • olddog573

    rumor is there was a well drilled by exxon somewhere between fisher and negreet. like i said, rumor is! it's a good rumor though because i have heard the same rumor from several people. problem is no one knows where it is though. the author of the story may have been referring to the olympia minerals well in belmont and just had his geography wrong.