

Aledo, TX

United States

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  • Becky (S14 - T17N - R15W)

    lol... I just stole it off the internet. I thought is was cool too. I have a soft spot for hearts... it might be in my head. lol
  • Aubrey C. Sanders, Jr.

    Hi Chattykb, I haven't kept too up-to-date of late either. I spent most of June down there in north LA and expect to return in early Sept. Only info I picked up re: Columbia county was report that XTO is making location to drill horizontal well either in Columbia County or Claiborne Parish near the stateline.

    Hope you also wished Christopher Smith good luck. Think he will need it to pull this deal off. I would be too embarassed to present such an offer as he made you. Nuff said. Good to hear from you again.

  • Rod B.

    Hey girl, I haven't heard from you in a while. So, Scott's on facebook. Who would have thought it. I haven't talk to him in while, he only lives 1 1/2 miles from me. So what's been going on???