I'm staying busy and doing just enough business to allow me to run to the mountains and go fishing on Toledo Bend whenever the spirit moves me. Every day I am thankful to make a living doing what I do. I've looked for this job all my life. I will now enjoy it to the fullest as long as I am able. I know just how you feel about the repetition and the know nothing, cranky members who come to rant. I have to remind myself that they are a small minority and the majority appreciates all the industry members who invest time in answering questions and offering opinions. Quite a few of them contact me privately on my site page or through my off site personal email. They are often hesitant to participate in discussions. I have 484 friends. And I think that is confirmation that there are members who appreciate what I do. I'm sure they feel the same way about you. You are just not as prolific a poster as I am. LOL! I have about 178,000 points. I hope you are staying busy and prospering. We need to have lunch again. If business takes you north, I'll meet you half way.
Skip Peel - Mineral Consultant
I'm staying busy and doing just enough business to allow me to run to the mountains and go fishing on Toledo Bend whenever the spirit moves me. Every day I am thankful to make a living doing what I do. I've looked for this job all my life. I will now enjoy it to the fullest as long as I am able. I know just how you feel about the repetition and the know nothing, cranky members who come to rant. I have to remind myself that they are a small minority and the majority appreciates all the industry members who invest time in answering questions and offering opinions. Quite a few of them contact me privately on my site page or through my off site personal email. They are often hesitant to participate in discussions. I have 484 friends. And I think that is confirmation that there are members who appreciate what I do. I'm sure they feel the same way about you. You are just not as prolific a poster as I am. LOL! I have about 178,000 points. I hope you are staying busy and prospering. We need to have lunch again. If business takes you north, I'll meet you half way.
Regards, Skip
Jul 16, 2013
Two Dogs, Pirate
Dion, do you have an idea why work is so slow? This is the first time in 10 years that I don't have anything to do.
Sep 25, 2013
Skip Peel - Mineral Consultant
Profile Symbol Meanings
The star represents someone who has selected their status as "Oil and Gas Pro" for their profile.
The flame represents someone who has selected their status as "Landowner" for their profile.
If you down see a badge on your profile, check your settings
Mar 1, 2018