
Converse, LA

United States

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  • mooncookie

    I have a bit of personal experience with him and he is responsible for signing off on our baseball stadium (which he under-bid by I think 16 million dollars when he was running Halliburton).

    There is some proof that Cheney is a major contributor to the reason we are considered a terrorist state ourselves, he helped strip us of our moral 'high ground' by disregarding the Geneva Convention and he appears to Dubya's puppet master (9/11 commission)... I don't think that many people are evil, but I would say the man has an ici-ness that came off as unhuman when I was introduced to him. I really wish I could get some personality tests on him and find out why his reasoning went beyond Ken Lay (merely greed and power) to resorting to the tactics of the very people we fight.

    He is the other side of the 'terrorist' coin, so if I think extreme muslims are destroying the name of the region and their religion... then it is only logical that I conclude anyone stooping to their level on our side of the spectrum is no better.

    And most of the 6th floor execs at KBR/Halliburton dislike him for more personal reasons ($ irresponsibility, etc.)
  • adubu

    Where did all the football fans go---no activity on your Sports Forum in weeks -- I guess since LSU fell out of top 10 no one has any interest.
  • Timothy White

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