Folsom, CA

United States

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  • Jaybird

    Sorry I haven't checked my comment wall in a very long time. I needed a break from all of the madness.

    We have 255 acres in sec 20&21 T19N R06W and we also dealt with Continental Resources. They tried to pull one over us and send a landman to my uncle's house and get him to sign immediately. This was back in July. We politely declined because it was a 5 year deal and we felt we should just wait this thing out. I am very glad we did. We have some very nice completed wells around our area. When I say nice I mean wells producing 9805 mcf/Daily production. Sklar # 237957 We have not leased our land as of today. We feel that the economy will pick back up and the price of Natural gas will rise again. We aren't looking for $20,000 per acre, just a reputable company such as EL Paso, Comstock, Petrohawk, or possibly Sklar to come to us and say...lets make a deal. It might be next week, it might be next year. We'll be ready. By the way, Continental Resources has not drilled one well in the state of Louisiana that I know of.. I would be leary of working with them again just because of the way their landman treated us from the very beginning. I don't want to give out names and numbers for that land company because I do not reccomend them at all. We went with our gut on that one and hopefully we were right. I know we feel we made the right decision. I have heard that the leases they signed were never paid as well. for them to come back to you with 3/16 royalty is a complete insult. Minimum 25% Royalty period.

    We have had 2 - 3D surveys completed on our land. Time is on our side. We also have land in Bear Creek, Beinville parish that EL PASO has been producing Natural Gas for over 30 we know a little about how the process should go. Continental Resources should fire that land company they are using. That's strictly my opinion. Take it for what it's worth. Keep me posted on how your leasing goes and if I hear anything I will let you know!

    Sorry for the delay..Jaybird
  • Jaybird

    sorry I have land in R6W as well.

    The 255 acres we have is in sec 20&21 T19N R5W
  • CJM-LaLadyScarlett

    I'm still learning so yall please be patient with me. Have anyone of yall ever heard of the old "Spider Fields?"