I'm always working....just not too hard today as it was a late night card game with the boys last night!
So is Sutton 1H still drilling and when they finish it they are going to move the rig to the new pad for Atkinson 2H? If so that would be great news.........any way they could drill in a new unit from the pad they are building? Let's hope not!
Let's hope for some really cold weather this winter so that when IP for Atk 1H finally happens, should get a good price on the high volume! You got any feel for bottom or top of Nat. Gas prices over the next 6 + months?
Mark Phillips
So is Sutton 1H still drilling and when they finish it they are going to move the rig to the new pad for Atkinson 2H? If so that would be great news.........any way they could drill in a new unit from the pad they are building? Let's hope not!
Let's hope for some really cold weather this winter so that when IP for Atk 1H finally happens, should get a good price on the high volume! You got any feel for bottom or top of Nat. Gas prices over the next 6 + months?
Sep 23, 2010
Jul 13, 2011
True Texan
Steer clear of PetroHawk! 6 months to get a release signed!
I had to send 3 letter, make 5 phone calls and then a threat to sue them.
Very, very sad owner relations department.
They just don't care what you and I think.
If it was not for us they would not have a place to drill.
Jul 4, 2012