You have to sign a Joint Operating Agreement with the company if they allow you to and then you become a partner in the well pay your share of drilling costs out of your bank account and then you will be entitled to all info just like the rest of the paying partners in the well. If you do not do this you can get the info when the rest of the public does; almost never. Been there done that. In other words you gotta pay to play...
Sad to say but true, you will be entitled to get copies of logs and some other info as they become public record. The logs will probably only be on 1 inch scale making it hard for a layperson to read.
Just dropping by to say hello. Have one "shale" of a day. Also, there some new profile questions. Check those out by clicking HERE. We are also coming up on our 10,000th member. Be sure to celebrate with me. Click HERE for more about that.
mike wilson
Jul 29, 2008
mike wilson
Jul 29, 2008
Keith Mauck (Site Publisher)
Feb 13, 2009