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  • E & E
  • Kat Bloomfield
  • Henry
  • Dion Warr, CPL

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RFKirkland's Discussions

Treating and Gathering Deductions not in the Lease, but being deducted from royalty checks
63 Replies

If treating and gathering are not mentioned in the lease, what tells me that they can deduct it from your royalty checks?   Section 4b of the lease states the following.    The royalties to be paid…Continue

Started this discussion. Last reply by Ray Nov 10, 2011.

Separate the Heirship of land and partition deed
23 Replies

 My family has heirship land in Louisiana and we want to separate the land so that each heir can own their separate portion of the land by doing a partition deed for each heir.  We have completed a…Continue

Started this discussion. Last reply by Kat Bloomfield Aug 1, 2011.

Sec 20 16N 9W
2 Replies

Does anyone know what is going on in this area? 

Started this discussion. Last reply by RFKirkland Feb 4, 2011.


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At 2:51 on May 2, 2010, E & E said…
There should have been a map on the HK unit application. All surface/mineral owners have to be notified.
At 3:03 on April 28, 2010, E & E said…
The Location will be on the North line in sec 17 above the Muslow property in 20. No, they haven't started clearing yet.
At 11:15 on April 26, 2010, E & E said…
I'm going to guess that you know that Petrohawk has that unit. I do know that they just got a location for that section. They haven't started clearing it yet.

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