All Blog Posts (653)

well is what

We checked on a well in Webster that we have acreage under the lease... it is drilled and they are moving the rig out now... i know the fracking process is they do that now or later? Does it take a while? Just don't know that much about it. Watching the process is amazing. I can't believe how deep they drill and how quickly they do it. Thanks...…


Added by Cyhaynes on April 6, 2010 at 6:14 — 2 Comments

INTERVIEW WITH LES B - Who would he choose to develop his property in the Haynesville Shale?

Featured Shaler Les B: Who would he choose to develop his property in the Haynesville Shale?

By Bobi Carr

When you think of people (Shalers) on…


Added by Bobi Carr ("parker") on March 31, 2010 at 12:30 — 22 Comments

CAUTIOUSLY Optimistic: Glass Half Full POV

An op-ed piece by Don Briggs with some "cautiously optimistic" stats. Of course, I would prefer a 75% glass full, or a 90% glass full POV, but, hey, hysterical pessimism is limited my vocabulary and not a habit of my practice. Enjoy! 80)

from the article ...

"Louisiana's recovery in drilling activity has consistently… Continue

Added by sesport on March 21, 2010 at 5:52 — 2 Comments

"Haynesville" the Movie to Premiere at SXSW: A Chat with Director Gregory Kallenberg

I've had the pleasure of getting to know Mr. Kallenberg over the last year and it's no mistake that "Haynesville" is the first rate film that it is. Kallenberg and his team have put tremendous thought into it's production and it shows. If you haven't seen this film, you are missing out. I had a chance to speak with Gregory earlier this morning as he awaits the premiere of "Haynesville" at the SXSW…


Added by Keith Mauck (Site Publisher) on March 15, 2010 at 6:30 — 2 Comments

Frac Monitoring

Are any of the oil companies running any type of BHP/BHT monitring devices downhole while they are fracing? From my understanding that some of the horizontal well are getting multistage fracs, and want to question that if the oil companies would monitor their fracs, would they gain any vital information.

Added by Evolution Gauges on March 7, 2010 at 13:01 — 4 Comments

On Impacting National Influences & Discourse

Recently reading a link from a link that was linked here, I ran across this website hosted by Mark DeMoss, head of the DeMoss Group. What lead me to it was an op-ed piece regarding marketing strategies in a powerpoint presentation about fundraising that was given by one of our national political committees. Mr. DeMoss, after learning of particular strategies suggested in the presentation, wrote a letter to key leaders of this party stating his dismay at the tactics being advocated and his…


Added by sesport on March 7, 2010 at 5:00 — No Comments

Petrohawk lays off Landmen

During the past week, I have heard the same thing from three sources, that Petrohawk has laid off hundreds of landmen. The figure I hear is between 250 - 400 landmen laid off. This is massive. Is this a Petrohawk problem or is this another downturn in natural gas and its price? Is it a maturing of the work in the Haynesville Shale in particular...

Added by Johnny on March 6, 2010 at 15:32 — 9 Comments

Fleming Supports Resolution to Stop National Energy Tax - Good for the Haynesville?

March 2, 2010

Contact: Jamie Hennigan



jamie.hennigan@mail.hou… Continue

Added by Keith Mauck (Site Publisher) on March 3, 2010 at 11:44 — 1 Comment



Geez, this winter sure has been tough. First the flood. Hadn’t seen anything like it in almost twenty years. Not as bad this time but it sure had me worried. Last time I couldn’t get to the cows for almost a week. It broke my heart to find the few that didn’t make it. They are so dependent this time of year. No matter how much you try to tell yourself you…


Added by Bobi Carr ("parker") on February 26, 2010 at 19:32 — 1 Comment

Selling Natural Gas to Senators - Mad Money

Added by Keith Mauck (Site Publisher) on February 26, 2010 at 7:30 — No Comments

Lafayette county

Wondering if any activity has been done around Lake Eriling below the dam--Any info would be appreciated--

Added by R laborde on February 24, 2010 at 2:17 — No Comments

Hall Rig...

My profile pic is a pic of the Hall Rig across the lake from Rana Brian Subdivision, where I live..

Added by Pudgie on February 18, 2010 at 15:43 — No Comments

Housing and Services

I'd like to know if anyone is conducting business with itinerant employees of the Haynesville Shale companies. There seems to be a lot of them traveling through, or moving in. I'm wondering where they find temporary living quarters. The RV parks seem to be bursting! Is anyone doing any corpoate leasing of housing? I have a friend interested in leasing out her refurbished mobile home in the country. I'd like to get in on some of the action (i.e. $). Since we didn't get rich on the front end…


Added by marilynm on February 17, 2010 at 12:32 — No Comments

Olympia Well on Marthaville/Many Rd.

Can anyone tell me something about a well site staked on the Marthaville/Many Rd. 3 miles North of the Cedar Grove intersection?

Added by Jim Freeland on February 17, 2010 at 7:47 — No Comments

Free Webinar with Douglas Foshee of El Paso Corporation

Check out a free podcast with Douglas L. Foshee, chairman, president, and chief executive officer of El Paso Corporation. The webinar is hosted by Leslie Haines, Editor-in-Chief

Oil and Gas Investor.

You can…


Added by Keith Mauck (Site Publisher) on February 16, 2010 at 5:30 — No Comments

Jennifer Stewart Gas Unit

Anyone have any knowledge of upcoming drilling activity in this unit?

Added by Jim Baxley on February 13, 2010 at 13:56 — No Comments

Drilling Activity Question for T16N, R8W

Does anyone have information on why the leasing and drilling activity has stopped moving east of S33, T16N, R8W ?? I haven't seen a new unit east of this point is quite sometime. I hear of seismic activity as far east as Ashland, is there anything to it?

Added by Mike Megehee on February 9, 2010 at 6:02 — No Comments


I own 125 acres in section 33, 16n 13w and after royalties from the first well on the unit (run by camterra) produced scraps, I recently noticed a second well was being placed on the unit. Can anyone tell me if this is a horizontal well and if so mightl the amount of gas produced be significantly higher than the first.

Added by john hamilton on February 8, 2010 at 7:30 — 1 Comment

Grogan Field- Natchitoches Parish

Just recieved a letter from attroneys of SAMSON CONTOUR ENERGY informing me that are creating 2 addional drilling and production units for Cotton Valley Formation and Haynesville Shale in Sec.8-10 W- 10N. I only own 1 acre- that has never been leased. Anyone else been contacted. If I read this correctly also includes S-5-10-10 and Sec18-10-10.

Added by rhedle N1 -N2 on February 4, 2010 at 11:07 — 2 Comments

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