All Blog Posts (653)

I am UMI

I am an unleased mineral interest owner. I can't help but notice the derisive comments slung my way and towards others like me. Seems industry types hurl slurs at us, particularly when business is slow, i.e., when natural gas prices tumble a bit. Yeah, no one likes them; at least, not those of us who stand to profit immensely from higher prices. In any event, back to the point. Exemplary of the childish name-calling include "parasites, goats, and freeloaders." Hmmm. Bullying is distasteful not… Continue

Added by Bob on March 13, 2009 at 2:30 — 19 Comments

Any Information on JW Operating well - Section 17 Township 16N Range 13W.

Does anyone have any information on JW Operating well in Sec 17 (16N 13W)? They have been drilling on it since September. I do not know what "Side Track" means on sonris.

Added by DaddyT on March 8, 2009 at 5:33 — No Comments

Section 24

I am in section 24 where no wells have been drilled. Has anyone heard of planned wells for this section? If a horizontal well is drilled in a section next to mine, can my minerals be pulled off whithout my receiving any royalties?

Added by Abby on March 6, 2009 at 17:40 — 2 Comments

Disagreeing and Disagreeable

Disagreeing and Disagreeable

I’ll be the first to admit that I have been in the middle of more than my fair share of GHS disagreements. Some of these disagreements are actually enjoyable to be involved in. Sharing ideas, hashing out opinions and trying to see the other side of the coin. I believe it is one of the best parts of the site. Disagreeing respectfully.

All of the disagreements haven’t been pretty. It is sometimes hard to be polite when you so vehemently disagree… Continue

Added by Bobi Carr ("parker") on March 4, 2009 at 18:28 — 24 Comments

Why does :Sharon TX come after my name and photo

It is odd and funny who did it or how did it happen. We all know Sharon and I have diff opinions.

Yuck Yuck Funny!

Added by J. A. on March 4, 2009 at 17:05 — No Comments

Obama's Energy Plan

Go to the Louisiana Oil and Gas Association's web site to sign a petition protesting Obama's proposed tax increases for the oil and gas industry.

Link below

Added by Walt Denny on March 4, 2009 at 15:21 — 1 Comment



Some times things aren’t good or bad they just may be distasteful from your perspective.

If I sell a piece of property and reserve minerals, I want the gas companies to drill NOW before I lose my interests. The buyer of the property hopes they don’t drill soon enough and the mineral rights will become theirs. In it’s basic form that sounds simple enough.

But what if I sell someone 300 acres of prime development property that is held by… Continue

Added by Bobi Carr ("parker") on March 2, 2009 at 19:38 — 3 Comments

Pipeline Easement Lease Rate

I apologize if this issue has been talked about before on this blog but I have not been able to locate any discussion on it. Has anyone been approached by an energy company to sign a pipeline easement contract? If so does anyone know what the going rate is in the Haynesville Shale is? I was offered a "per rod" price for the lease but I have no idea if it is a fair offer. Thanks

Added by Les on March 2, 2009 at 7:06 — 4 Comments

Inherited royalty interest eligible for depletion allowance?

IRS Publication 535 (Section 9: Depletion) states that one may claim a depletion deduction only if you have an "economic interest" in a mineral property, where an "economic interest" exists if BOTH of the following apply:

- you have acquired BY INVESTMENT (caps. mine) any interest............

- you have a legal right to income from the extraction................

Although I have not to this point claimed any depletion deductions for my inherited royalty interests in… Continue

Added by Suzanne Brown on March 1, 2009 at 9:35 — 1 Comment

Anybody heard of MC Mineral Company, LLC?

Got correspondence from them about purchasing mineral rights.

Added by Brad on March 1, 2009 at 3:31 — 1 Comment

Minerals and Royalty: Or, What Did I Just Sell to That Guy?

Now that NAPE has been over for a couple of weeks, and the hangover(s) and short week after Mardi Gras has come to an end, I figured I would address a topic that has come up on more than a few occasions in various discussions on GHS, and seems to have been revived again in the wake of the latest mass mailings from mineral and royalty brokers.

I should probably mention here that my area of discussion, and the state in which I predominantly work is Louisiana. No knocks to the Texas and… Continue

Added by Dion Warr, CPL on February 28, 2009 at 11:30 — 3 Comments

2/27/08 Update


Hope you all had a good week. If you have a Twitter account follow me at If you do facebook, check us out at With the evolving landscape of leasing practices, it is now more important than ever to let your friends and family know about Get them plugged in.


1. “Twin Cities No Longer does Group… Continue

Added by Keith Mauck (Site Publisher) on February 27, 2009 at 8:41 — No Comments

Leasing is Like A Box of Chocolates

This Gas Leasing Stuff: For Every Move There is a Counter

As most of you know or have heard, Twin Cities has decided to only negotiate with individuals abandoning their previous policy of working with coalition groups. Beyond the additional issues of forsaking relationships which had been developed, and what seems to be a tendency to play loose with their commitments (a PR nightmare), as a private company, they are permitted to implement any policy they desire. But, surely they… Continue

Added by Cooter on February 27, 2009 at 4:31 — 3 Comments

Interstate Oil & Gas Compact Commission Resolution to Keep Chemicals Secret

Urging Congress Not to Remove Exemption Of Hydraulic Fracturing From Provisions Of

The Safe Drinking Water Act
That’s right folks! Big Oil is asking Congress to continue letting them be the only industry in America that is allowed to inject known toxic and cancer causing chemicals into our drinking water.

The Cliff Notes… Continue

Added by TXsharon on February 26, 2009 at 12:31 — No Comments

This is a warning to all who will heed.

I guess I need to start out by saying, “I did not want to do this”. I can’t type and do not even like to write that much, but I hate liars and cheats even more. I was raised and taught that a man is only as good as his word. When two people came to an agreement and gave their word on a deal, then they were bound by honor to see it through to the end. That is one of the reasons I am doing all of this. Secondly; it is also a warning to all who will read this that J.W. Porter & associates L.… Continue

Added by charles on February 26, 2009 at 11:24 — 13 Comments

EXCO Resources


By OGJ editors

HOUSTON, Feb. 25 -- EXCO Resources Inc., Dallas, completed its first Haynesville shale horizontal well in northwest Louisiana in December 2008.

The Oden 30H-6 in DeSoto Parish flowed at an initial rate of 22.9 MMcfd of gas and produced 1 bcf in its first 64 days on production. It was making more than 12 MMcfd in late February. EXCO's interest is 100%.

EXCO spud its second and third operated horizontal wells late in the year. It has… Continue

Added by RAZORBACK on February 26, 2009 at 7:49 — No Comments

Can I Be Shut Out of a Gas Unit?

If I don't lease to a company in East Texas, and they drill a gas well they tell me that I will be shut out of the production and will not receive any royalties.
I heard that in some states that I would receive 100% of my royalties, but they say that in Texas, I would not receive any percentage.
Is this true?
If it, is, then I would have to lase for a small bonus.
Please respond, I need your help.

Added by DT on February 26, 2009 at 6:53 — 1 Comment



Some people complain about what is, or may be, done for homeowners in trouble. While worrying about someone else getting "theirs" unfairly, don't forget to look at what you can get yourself. If you qualify under good old fashion lending practices, you should be able to get rates @ around 5.0% for a 30 year loan. Like a lot of things rates are very volatile right now, so if this is something worthwhile for your circumstances don’t put it off.

If you… Continue

Added by Bobi Carr ("parker") on February 26, 2009 at 4:15 — No Comments

More Economic Stimulus - The Devil is in the Details

Or in several cases I should say the Angel. These are some sweet credits we are all paying to get. I'll take last weeks list and expand on what we know so far.

1. Nothing that I have been able to locate yet that will directly impact HS money, like tax breaks for that type of income.

Still nothing new here.

2. People on unemployment will receive an extra $25 a week, a longer time to draw benefits, and the first $2400 will be tax exempt on their federal… Continue

Added by Kathy Morgan on February 25, 2009 at 9:09 — 1 Comment

T. Boone Pickens on C-Span at the Governors Convention

Has anyone seen this? If you haven't you need to. He is really letting the Governors know that they need to back Natural Gas, Wind and Solar.
Also, he discusses a conversation that he had with President Obama.
This convention was interesting.
Hope that all will join T. Boone Pickens website.
Hopefully he will/can help to make a difference.

Added by little ole 1st grade teacher on February 25, 2009 at 5:27 — No Comments

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