on Hughes Rig Count activity up dated this Friday and every Friday still hot in Martinsville field south to North Chireno area with 5 rigs in East Central Nacgodoches County and 4 across river in NNW San Augustine County. These are EOG's H shale wells plus Samson's TP wells and Cabot H Pette , Shale, and James lime wells. Other activity in Nacgodoches are 3 wells up in North part Nacgodoches the 30 year old Trawick Travis Peak field.

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do you have the link for this? Looks like Samson has done a lot of dual completions Pettit/Travis Peak in the area
Thanks for the activity update
I own 60 mineral acres in Nac County descirbed as Abst 827, Mora, J.M. Survey. We are being contacted by landmen and I am curious about what might be happening in that particular area. I do not live in the area and not experienced in O&G discussions. Thanks for any help.
Very competitive area now-drilling Haynesville, James Lime and Travis Peak. Who is contacting you? Pinnacle/Sonerra as reported entered into an agreement for the DEEP protential, the Bossier/Haynesville, with EOG group which is part of an AMI EOG entered into with Petrohawk Energy.
Was contacted by Wind River Acquititions and Navigator Oil. I do not know who they are representing. We have not done anything yet. One offer was $1000.00 to buy the mineral acres outright which we declined. Thanks for your help.
I was contacted by San Saba to by for over $90,000 a 3.2% orri in a Nacogdoches county well that is not economic. Why?
I would like to know the answer too! What exactly is a 3.2% orri? I'm a newbie.
Navigator Oil & Minerals owner formed in 1979=Jack E Blake Jr. out of Midland
Employment History
Position, Production Department
Amerada Petroleum
Permian Basin Landman's Association
hope you lease for a bundle..good luck
Thanks again. We are hopefully hearing back soon.
Someone left in a blog that Sonerra/Pinnacle was paying $1000/acre with 75% Lease hold right before signing the deal with EOG Group. Go and read up on the wells that EOG recently reported making ~15 MMCF/day from the Deep Play.
Take a look. There's been a lot of activity in the area over several decades. Wish it was my mine, LOL.


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