An Encana super pad went up over night and then a rig came in and it got permitted all in same week. Have never seen all this activity happen this quickly. Sec. 7 & Sec. 6 are being drilled from Sec. 7 pad. Seismic people everywhere again. ANyone know why all the super rush to get this well up. Leases don't expire til fall 2010

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Section 21 has been permitted also. No idea....but we are thrilled!
I live in section 18 (just south of section 7) and was told in the past week or so that we would also have a rig in the next month or so because a huge lease (100+ acres) is set to expire in February. Maybe there is a lease that is expiring sooner than fall 2010. I know one thing, they do not want to re-lease, especially to those who have large acreage and leased initially for $200 or $300 and acre!
Joyce, I have property in Sec. 18 too, so I am watching that too. I bet Sec. 18 will be drilled from Sec. 19 well pad. That is a superpad site, Encana is operator for Sections 18,19, so no reason they wouldn't use that pad. There may be some leases expiring in Sec. 6, but I have looked at records for Sec. 7 and earliest lease to expire in Sec. 7 and Sec.18 is the Scout Ranch. I believe that was leased in fall of 2007 for 3 yrs., so Sec. 7 and Sec. 18 (both of which include Scout Ranch) have to be drilled before then as those are lg. acreages. You are right about gas companies not wanting to lose a lease.
16+/- wells being drilled thus far in 14n 14w with 5 showing an avg of roughly 10,300 mcf 1st full mn production with the low being 5,707mcf and the high being 11,658mcf. A proposed pipeline is going east/west through top of this section. I believe there is already a vertical pipeline on Long Rd. The best/strongest section appears to be 24. Companies include Encana, Exco, and El Paso that have and/or are currently drilling. Decline rates appear to be in line with current HA reported decline rates. I've noticed tighter chokes as of late and would assume that to be the trend.

I know seismic activity is over on sec 4 & 9 as well as they have more than one company on each. I just looked at Petrohawk's new estimate of the Mid-Bossier Shale and it appears that 14n 14w is now a part of it!! Not all of it but a good bit. I bet that's one reason for all the seismic activity and another reason why Encana and others are making 14n 14w a center of operation with the Long Rd pipeline and the new proposed pipeline coming through the north end of 14n 14w. The wells have been good, the pipeline(s) are there, there is ease of access, and maybe....just maybe there is also Mid-Bossier Shale potential.
Can you post Petrohawk's mid Bossier shale map? Veritas Seismic is all over Sec. 7 near the pad site
The top map are the sections in Desoto and the bottom is Petrohawk's revised Mid-Bossier Shale map.

Looks like 14/14 Desoto is in the northern boundaries of mid-Bossier (and thank you very much for posting this info for us).
Ok, is the mid-Bossier the same as the Bossier, which if I understand it right, the Bossier is the shale sitting on top of the Haynesville and in areas with BOTH shales, there should be 16 wells total?
I don't know much about the Bossier as I've spent all my time on the HA bc I didn't think it mattered to my royalties. From what I understand, though, it is below the Cotton Valley and above the Haynesville. I have both a CV well and HA well. Theoretically 16 wells would be the answer if the/our area has both HA & Bossier. I believe something is going on in 14n 14w that we don't know but I'm not 100% sold. It sure would be nice, though, right?
Guys, Spring Branch brought up the BO overlap months ago. Last summer or fall if memory serves. I suggest you check out his posts in the archives or just ask him. He is very knowledgeable about that area of the Play.
Thanks, Skip. I'm now going to start studying up on the BO. I believe Petro's map says 14n 14w is partially in the BO but Chesapeeke's says we are not. I guess only time will tell. However, even if we are I would assume they won't drill it any time soon bc the ROI is half due to the production being half and drilling costs being roughly the same. I would also assume that since the HA is taking care of HBP then the BO would come in to play in the future when prices go up more to make it's ROI better.
Skip, the infrastructure idea makes good sense. In 14n 14w there is the N/S pipeline off Long Rd and there is the proposed W/E pipeline that supposedly will go through section 4 from TX to GA to be completed by 2013. Also, acreage was sold off Red Bluff Rd for a gas processing plant/station. By then maybe prices will be up enough including increased demand in the industrial/commercial sectors. Then, maybe they'll tackle the BO.....if it's there lol. I wonder, though, since the BO will be HBP from the HA wells when would the companies actually drill. Say it takes them 15+/- years to drill an estimated 8 wells per section in the HA then they might only tackle the BO once all those hit a certain depletion numbers meaning that instead of 40+ years of production one might expect 40 plus 15 for 55+ years of production.
Parkdota, quite possible. It is difficult to look out 2 years much less a couple of decades. And regardless of the time table 2 or more generations of mineral owners will receive substantial economic benefits. What's unknown at the moment, and the subject of much debate, is the future of national energy policy. If logic prevails (never something to bet heavily on when considering national politics) nat gas should become the corner stone of a measured transition away from coal and a means to reduce our dependency on foreign oil. I like the idea of alternative energy technology but think it is 25 or 30 years down the road. Natural Gas is the Blue Bridge to a Green Future! By the way, I didn't come up with that nifty catch phrase. Les B. is the author. I think the bridge metaphor is an apt one. We can sit back and observe or put in our two cents for responsible energy policy. You can be assured that the coal, railroad and public utility industries will be putting in a lot more than two cents.



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