Oil Voice San Augustine, Shelby and Sabine Counties Haynesville and Bossier Activity Increasing

Southern Texas Haynesville and Bossier Activity Increasing
San Augustine,Shelby and Sabine Counties of Texas have the Motherload of gas in the Haynesville and Bossier shale. Several companies that are active in Louisiana are planning on increasing drilling in Texas within a few months to get in on the action on drilling these formations. Texas is gaining momentum every day on drilling the deeper part of these great formations mentioned. The major pipeline companies should concentrate on the southern part more than the northern part in Texas and Louisiana if they want to move more gas that will be produced in the future in Texas and Louisiana.The southern part of this Texas play is going to explode with drilling activity within the next year from now.

Posted by Jurassic Exploration Inc on Monday, June 07, 2010 20:55

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Gee, I certainly hope we know something by the end of this year....lol....hopefully, sooner.....my patience is growing thin.lol
Teacher, some of us have been at this for over two years. I suspect that you are not alone in the "patience... growing thin" camp. I know I visit there often.
Unfortunately, I visit "ups and downs" a little bit too much......with a little help from some certain people (not on this site) that have helped me to "get my hopes up" only to have "the rug pulled out from under me". I feel as though I'm on a "merry go round" that won't stop.....and have felt this way for over 3 years. I still get encouragements from the same people who have helped to put me on this merry-go-round only to have the information change to the negative shortly after I have been told something positive. So, the only sanity that I have is to visit this site and realize that I am not the only person out there who seems to have the "ups and downs". At least I didn't fall into the trap of spending "my Money" before I received it. I can thank God for that. Oh, well, another Summer that is supposed to be mine spent in Workshops so that I can start my 24th year of teaching. I am thankful to have a job.
Teacher I am right there with you and jffree1. I have had ups and downs for the past 2 years. I keep having to remind myself that the gas isn't going anywhere and our time will come. Hard to do sometimes but it's about the only way I have found to approach it.
Gosh Darn,
Hey, I love that name.....You made my day. I know it will come when it comes....I'm so "Gosh Darn" impatient. lol
Gotta stop being impatient!!! Right?
Thanks again.
By the way where are you? In Texas or Louisiana?
"little ole 1st grade teacher"
Thanks for the MOTHERLOAD cheer...about to post the entry myself'.

Skip: I think OilVoice.com has been defining "Motherload" not just by initial production, although San Augustine is at the top on that list, but by multiple formations.
Skip: I would like to see you as annoyed with landmen [who "beat up" on mineral owners with a "drill or be left behind MO"] as you are with oilvoice.com and the site members who post the entries.

If oilvoice.com predictions did not become reality none of us would be posting the quotes.
Sorry you missed my numerous "beating up" on industry types plying less than accurate information on the site in the past. Those members who have been around for two years may remember more than a few. For all the flack that occasionally comes from it, I have disagreed and posted information to refute a lot of posts that, in my opinion, were potentially harmful. I make no distinction between those who are perceived to be industry and those who appear to be land/mineral owners. The potential for harm is equal. Any member who considers me pro-industry has missed a lot of instances where I have taken them to task. I have even testified against them in court. I can assure you that they do not care for me one whit. Considering the wealth of accurate data that exists concerning the play after two years, it is a shame that anyone would depend upon, much less promote, the type of reporting represented by Oilvoice/Jurassic Exploration.
ALongview, I would love to hear your reply.....too bad you deleted it.
I only posted this ..... not for argument, but just to hear different points of view.
I already knew that some people have no use for OilVoice which is okay with me....as I said, I just wanted to hear different points of view.....not much is going on in my "neck of the woods" right now so I thought it would be helpful to hear from other folks around East Texas.
I deleted my rant because I just get tired of playing defense. I don't like feeling like it is TEXAS(most of our land is not economical) vs. LOUISIANA(our land is all in "the core") just ask Petrohawk.
I feel that it is likely the HK Core map disappointed more members than it thrilled. On both sides of the state line. Rants are allowed. It's good to vent now and again.
I would like everyone to look at this presentation to show that there are differing EUR opinions out there from very good shale players. EOG has the EUR of the Texas sweet spot for both the Bossier and the Haynesville as higher than the Louisiana sweet spot. I am not saying they are right or wrong but they in my opinion are just as good a company as Petrohawk and this presentation may disappoint some on both sides of the state line as well. I think that looking at all the different opinions shows that they don't know what the southern part of the Haynesville/Bossier will ultimately look like.

Thanks, ALongview.
Are you from Longview?
Hey, us Texans, especially EAST TEXANS have to "stick" together. lol
We'll all have to just "hang in there" from both sides.....Louisiana or Texas.....the Natural Gas probably runs from one side of the state line to the other. lol


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