The Land & Knowles 18 H #1 well is at 15,138 ft. and drilling.

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FXEF, thanks for info....I look at it almost every day dying to know what's going on.  Now I know what was going on Nov. 2010...ha.


Are you hearing any more news about sec 18 or 19 14/14

 James, I'm not hearing anything about anything....very frustrating. 
I have some questions about severance taxes. Do  we pay this, or does Encana take care of it? I haven't noticed any deductions on our checks.


This may help explain the severance tax issue.

LOUISIANA OTHER SEVERANCE TAX EXEMPTIONS (The following is the Technology Assessment Division summary of the law. For legal definition look them up in the LSA at the indicated statutory citation.)

2) Horizontal wells                STATUTORY CITATION: R.S. 47:633(7)(c)(iii)  

On any horizontally drilled well or any horizontal recompletion from which production commences after July 31, 1994, all severance tax shall be suspended for a period of 24 months or until payout of well cost is achieved, whichever comes first.  Payout of well cost shall be the cost of completing the well to commencement of production. 

Full text at 

Thanks so much. Great news.



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