The well is located on acreage acquired through a transaction with Range Texas Production, LLC (Range), a subsidiary of Range Resources Corporation (RRC), announced on March 29, 2012. Under the terms of the transaction with Range, ZaZa obtained a 75 percent working interest in the acquired acreage, became the designated operator, and has fulfilled its obligation to commence operations on the first well within the agreed upon timeframe.


Tags: eagle, eaglebine, ford, spud, where, woodbine, zaza

Views: 3350

Replies to This Discussion

We'll have to get DH to check his rig locator to see which well they are drilling.  They have two permits in Dist. 3:

Status #  744550    OP # 950545 - ZAZA ENERGY, LLC   STINGRAY - Well # A 1H    New Drill

API # 471-30352  Approved,Issued: 07/23/2012, Filed: Online   03 WALKER County  Horizontal  


Status # 731323    OP # 950545 - ZAZA ENERGY, LLC  SMITH A UNIT - Well # A 1H New Drill
API # 185-30771   Approved , Issued: 1/13/12  Filed: Online  03-Grimes County New Drill Horizontal



  YOU WERE ASLEEP last week when I posted that ZAZA was moving on the "Stingray" A1H in Walker Co.

     In my travels I have also noted some ramped-up pipeline maintenance as ATMOS has now installed a pigging station and tree top flare at Austonio.  ---- you hear that Jffree if you want some roasted pork just go to Austonio. lol

       I will watch for new developments from ZaZa ------- one can't travel from Crockett to Bryan along hwy 21 with out seeing LOTS of Oil field trucks hauling Hardware,Rig Housing and tanker trucks ---- Madisonville (pop 2500) is starting to take 15 min to pass through and it is starting to look and play the part of a HUB -------- Crockett has new Oil field supply store and frac company has bought property on a rail spur

        On a MORE SERIOUS NOTE --- I have made a few posts that have vanished and also several that would not allow me to ADD REPLY ------- Do I have a virus?

You don't have a virus.  Keith is tweaking the website now because things have not been working correctly, lately.  No, I didn't see your post about Stingray but I've been really busy the last few months.  I try to check in to see what's going on but sometimes I miss a post or two. 

HaHa, you're so funny... but I know what a pipeline pig is and it ain't BBQ. :))

R Data reports only a few days drilling on "Stingray"  ------ they must have been FULL of BBQ Jffree instead of rigging-up  ----- think Crimson is active in that area are you still following them ?

Their most recent press release was on 8-8-12 (2Q):

Drilling Update

Woodbine Activity

Crimson’s Force area, located in western Madison County, Texas, consists of approximately 5,975 net acres with approximately 34 additional drilling locations in the Woodbine formation alone, based on 160 acre spacing. To date, Crimson has completed four wells (three operated) with initial production rates averaging above 1,300 Boepd. Recent activity includes:

  • Payne #1H (92.1% WI): As disclosed recently, Crimson successfully completed this well during the quarter at a gross initial production rate of 1,332 boepd, or 1,128 barrels of oil, 112 barrels of natural gas liquids, and 554 mcf of natural gas. The well was drilled to a total measured depth of 16,130 feet, including a 7,460 foot lateral, and was completed using 26 stages of fracture stimulation. The well continues to perform above expectations with a peak 7-day average exceeding 1,300 Boepd.

The Iola-Grimes area, located in north central Grimes County, Texas, consists of approximately 7,650 net acres with approximately 46 additional drilling locations in the Woodbine formation alone, based on 160 acre spacing. To date, Crimson has completed one well in this area with a second currently drilling. Current activity includes:

  • Covington-Upchurch #1H (67.8% WI): Currently drilling below 13,400 feet toward a total measured depth of 16,390 feet, including a 6,800 foot lateral. Completion operations are anticipated to commence later this month with first production expected in September. Crimson anticipates completing the well with 20 – 25 stages of fracture stimulation.
  • A. Yates (50.0% WI): As recently disclosed, Crimson successfully completed and turned this well to production in early July at a gross initial production rate of 472 Boepd. The well was drilled to a total measured depth of 15,320 feet, including a 6,065 foot lateral, and was completed using 22 stages of fracture stimulation.

The Chalktown area, located in central Madison County, Texas, consists of approximately 4,900 net acres with approximately 30 additional drilling locations in the Woodbine formation alone, based on 160 acre spacing. To date, Crimson has completed one well in this area. Current activity includes:

  • Vick Trust #1H (75.0% WI): As previously disclosed, the well began producing extraneous water as it was turned to production, possibly in communication with a natural fracture. Crimson remains encouraged with the Chalktown acreage and continues to evaluate results of this well and others in the area in developing future drilling and completion practices. The well continues to produce hydrocarbons achieving a 24-hr gross production rate of 383 Boepd.

Zavala County Eagle Ford Activity

  • KM Ranch #2H (50.0% WI): Crimson recently began completion operations on this well and anticipates completing the well with 16 stages of fracture stimulation. The well was drilled to a total measured depth of 12,875 feet, including a 6,100 foot lateral. As previously disclosed, Crimson delayed completing the #2H well in order to further understand optimal completion techniques being developed by other area operators, which resulted in recent successes in the area.

Liberty County Activity

  • Catherine Henderson A-6 ST (60.8% WI): This well was successfully sidetracked to a measured depth of 12,940 feet. The A-6 ST was completed in the Upper Cook Mountain sand after the original well was lost due to mechanical problems in January 2012. Flowback operations have just begun and Crimson is encouraged by the initial data.

 ZaZA Stingray reports depth of 11,000'

  Still having troubles making posts on Houston County Thread it continues to censor me

DH, what sort of trouble are you having?  I can only report it to Keith... but I don't know what is happening and why you call it "censoring" unless the posts are not loading at all.  Can you give me a little detail?  Is it just that one discussion?  If it is... that is weird. 

Anyone else having trouble with posts?  Are they taking too long to load? Not loading at all? Disappearing?


  I usually hit reply after the last message and type in my post like I have done here. When I click on ADD REPLY after I have added a message the wheel (clock) symbol will just grind forever and never add my post and when I finally move on to something else it just deletes it self. Once I even managed to add a post and the next day it was gone. I have had these difficulties in mostly the Houston co thread but a few times in the Pennington thread also. When I remember to hit the reply button at the top of the page the try is usually successful

 I call it "censoring" because it usually happens when I add something important but it could just be coincidence

OK, I have had that happen to me but not lately except once.  Before my internet provider upgraded their system I would have lots of trouble with "timing out" during peak traffic hours on the internet.  I may be wrong but I would guess it is just coincidence that you happened to be on that discussion when it happened.

One thing I do know used to happen a lot is that if you take too long composing your post it will fail to load or time out.  I have had that happen on more than one occasion and now I just open a new word document to compose lengthy posts and then copy/paste them into this reply box. That will work most of the time.  Short posts shouldn't time out, though.

I will send Keith a message and ask him to check on you, though, to see if there is a problem he can do something to fix.

Report is that rig has moved off Stingray - anyone got anything to report on it?

I'm just now appreciating GHS information and conversation/education threads; forgive my tardiness and ignorance, please. Regarding this area of Grimes County (and next to the Walker County line, upper NW Quarter of Grimes) lease bonus is running $600-$1,000/NMA.

I've taken interest in the vast knowledge several thread contributors have offered and I hope I won't be too much of a bother as I plan to become a better student asking questions regarding oil/gas patch matters.



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