I was told by Petrohawk that Township 19 in Webster Parish was as far north of I-20 that was being leased. Has anyone leased in Township 19?

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Do you know if the wells being drilled are vertical or horizontal?
I cannot tell from Sonrise what they are doing. Diamond Oil also has 4 wells just over the parish line in Bossier. So far they have not reported to the state any results. Some of these wells should be completed by now since they reported last. They are listed as Belleview field wells but the depths they are going down is to the Haynesville shale.
Thanks tatterscreek for the response. Heard lots of loud sounds in the area you are talking about this morning? Is it possible they would be fracing the wells. I haven't heard anything that loud since the shell plant was in operation.
There is a new dirt road at the intersection of Fuller and where the Pleasant Valley water tower is. I believe the wells are located west of Fuller down that road. That is about 2-1/2 miles as the crow flies from me so I haven't heard the noise. I have read that fracing does make a lot of noise though. I don't know how close you are to the water tower.
I'm also very interested in this well. We have land on the Fuller road and sure would like to hear some good news!

Hi John, whatever section you are in, get with the other landowners and deal as a group. You can find out who they are at the tax assesors office and contact them and stick together. If a gas company already has a majority of the land in your section leased as it sounds may be the case, then by all means take your letter to an experienced O&G attorney to protect your rights and to get a fair lease. The company after the letter will have a hearing in Baton Rouge with the department of Natural Resources to have the unit ratified. You can also attend that hearing or you may decide to go unleased, perfectly your right to do so. For some number crunching on the difference of leasing or not leasing I recommend you see the post by Earl titled landowners. He uses actual numbers released to determine the difference of being leased and going unleased. I wish you the best!
Bruce,I do not see Johns post. What is his s/t/r and who is he dealing with?
Hi Catfish, I can't find John's post on here now either, I don't if he deleted it or I am just overlooking it, you know how these strings of responses do not stay in order. Basically to answer your question John did not put his s/t/r in his post nor did he say who he was dealing with. He did say he was in the northern part of the parish and I got the impression that a majority of his section was already leased or hbp, that's why my response was wrote the way it was. Where are you and what have you heard lately?
I am in T19, R10W, S33. I have about 24 acres in this area and have little idea as to how to start to find out if there's a chance if there's an interest by a company in this section. I would appreciate any help. I have not signed anything but I was told that some of the neighbors had, but no confirmation. Can you share any info ?
Ground Hog
John, During the frenzy last year a good bit of land in the Minden area got leased in a short period of time in the 2k to 4k range. Alot of offers quickly were taken off the table and the landmen retreated. Petrohawk has quietly been leasing land in the extreme southren part of the parish. They have permitted a well sw of Doyline and are drilling one off Hwy 371 about 1.5 miles south of the Webster/ Bienville line and have applied for a drilling unit east of heflin. I have not heard of any offers in the Minden area since last summer but am encouraged by the NE movment by the Hawk. The closer they get with sucessful wells the more likley to get a lease. Personaly I don't expect anything for your area before next year unless a flipper takes a gamble.
Thanks for responding. I'll keep an eye out for info going forward. If you hear of anything that might help send me a line. Continued blessings. John
There is activity in Township 19. A new well is going in just off of Fuller Rd. to the West of the Pleasant valley Water tower. Signs have been put up that say RIG 307 and equipment is being moved in there. Does anyone know who this is?


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