We were told that 12,000 is the going rate....is this true?

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Kassi, just looking for more info concerning this meeting and the offers made. I saw there was another thread concerning this meeting, and the management group that put it on. It does help to hear what the upper limits of the bonuses are, I don't intend to pay anyone a management commission or fee. Thanks for your comment about the management company. If you'd like to go into particulars about why you don't like Fortress Management, please do.
We are in section 31 t11n r12w.
What have the offers been this far south?
I would like to know what anyone is being offered near us, and by who.
If you have had a solid offer from a landman or a O&G representative, if I coudl, I'd also like to have a contact phone number please.
I live out of state and it is hard to keep our ears out of town.
From the H Shale maps, we are in the very bottom of the area.
Thanks, this site and its community have helped us already immensely.
I thought that Petrohawk and Chesapeke were now together. There was a news release that they were partnering. I will try to find the article again and share with the group.
I stand corrected, Chesapeke and PXP partnered not Petrohawk
I too am wondering what to do since I have had no offers. I am in section 27 & 28, township 15, range 13 west
Organize your section then either negotiate for the group or hire someone trustworthy to negotiate for your group.
Winchester has drilled numerous wells in Section 28; it is the location of the Denmon well that blew out (or up, as the case may be) at Christmastime. There's a new well going in to Section 26. I don't know about 27, I can't recall seeing anything about it when I last looked. Are you sure you are unleased? You might be held by production with the Cotton Valley units for these Winchester wells.


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