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Hang in there John it is still very early, as time goes on people who do not do this for a living will be sharing more information. A lot of us here share what information we can get purely to help other mineral owners know what they have. The problem is we are not pros. Skip really is helpful but this is how he earns his living. Like we have said before eventually you are going to need professional help.

Milking public data is the best thing to be doing right now. Most mineral owners who have leased hold their info close to the vest - and are often hand cuffed by confidentiality agreements.

William, the key to this Hz AC frac play is to frac the matrix rock and "release" the trapped O&G from the tite reservoir. Not all the AC is fractured - in fact, diverters are being used to "shift" frac stimulation from open fractures into unfractured matrix.

That is why reservoir P&P is such an issue as to chasing this play.

The proppants that successful AC operators are using don't seem to be "embedding" into the AC.

Hard to argue with the great results companies like EOG have had in C Texas. They have cracked the code on this play and hopefully will extend it into Louisiana.

It’s a secret right now other than they showed initial production rates on 4 AC Texas wells were higher than the others. 

There is a massive amount of data in the public sector to do research on what operators are doing in the AC Hz Frac trend. It just takes time to do the digging and knowing where to dig and what to look for.

Below is a summary of EOG AC Hz Frac play results from Karnes County in Central Texas. Note the Practical IP column / this is the completion IP for the wells listed.

This info is from site.

Note that the cumulative production numbers may be for total lease wells (so 3 to 5 wells per lease / production lumped together for oil wells in Texas on lease basis).


Good wells and steadily improving IPs.  Bodes well for LA.  Thanks Rock Man.

Agree - but companies like EOG are looking for similar AC section with rock properties that compare positively to the Karnes Co Tx analog. Key is still the rock and its associated P&P as well as other reservoir properties (e.g. geomechanical properties).

And to further temper any expectations, the AC Hz Frac play that works so well in Karnes County essentially dies out to being "non prospective" in the adjacent county on trend (Gonzales County) after the drilling of several ultra poor wells (including a few by EOG).

As well as showing to be non prospective when moving updip and downdip from the Karnes Co sweet spot.

If Louisiana AC follows the C Tx area as to development and prospectivity, one can expect to see clusters of good wells and then areas where the AC will not "work". Plus a range of mediocre wells mixed in between.

And due to the complexities of drilling, completing and producing these types of wells, one cannot just assume that every operator will do things correctly to get the best results. This is why one needs to consider who the operators are when they are leasing (if they can find this out).

Things change quickly in the subsurface.

Sorry to be the bearer of negative news, but this same type of highly variable results is common in many similar plays (e.g. Haynesville, Eagle Ford, Marcellus, Bakken, Utica, multiple Permian Basin formations)

Cmon Jay,  let us fantasize a while before you extinguish our excitement!!

I just poured some water on the blaze myself. Lots of variables in play here - and that is the norm for O&G drilling and development

I hear you loud n clear RM,  you hv exposed all the variables, positive and negative! It is somewhat of a crap shoot in the industry!  Having that Major Company with horizontal chalk experience drilling your leases gives you the best chances !  We are waiting n hoping to see EOG succeed as well as any next big player that may come onto the scene!  Initial test wells reported to be done this year will tell a big story... depressing some, exciting others!!

Impressive data, you sure don't get that feeling in their press releases.

Looking back again, this was only the 4 wells in the 4th qtr. of 2017.



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