I went by what looks like a cleared location on Beard Creek/Branch road just east of Hwy 7. This would be the south east edge of section 10, several people in the area are saying they will drill section 10 and 15 just southt... from this one location. We know Petro has forced pooled sec 15... has anyone seen/heard of section 10 being pooled?

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Ringold ,I have some property in section 15 , 16N , 7W would that possibly be the sec. you just mentioned was pooled.I havn't heard anything from anyone except to give permission to do siz. testing a good while back. Thanks Caiman
This is twp 9west which is 12 miles west of you.
Ringold Redskin, Thanks for takeing the time to respond and leave the information.

Just heard today!
A hearing will be held on march 31 in Baton Rouge for section to establish a single unit of production in the Haynesville Zone Reservoir A Lake Bistaneau field , designate a unit operator, force pool the section, etc,etc.
No section or twp was listed on the legal notice. I assume it is for sec 15 16N 9W.
I drove by the location today and they have bulldozed it off .....so I guess they will start adding rock. Seems they are in a hurry to get this location ready.
Was at the Log Cabin today and heard that the location in section 10 is too close to a dwelling and PetroHawk may have to move it to be within DNR rules. Sometimes you wonder how mistakes like this happens someone has a red face!
There is an old trailer in the trees that has been abandoned for years. I hear they offered the landowner 35,000 for the junk pile and they were turned down.
Was it just for the trailer or the land?
I was wondering about the trailer myself since it has not been lived in for years and is falling apart, I don't remember when it was last occupied. I see old junk trailers all over like it that are falling in and mostly used for storage of junk. I justI don't see how it could be considered a home, should be able to trace back on electrical service and show it hasn't been lived in in 10 years at least!
Is this trailer the dwelling that they are too close to?
From what I heard word of mouth! Yes! I think more info will come out this weekon the
problem, hopefully a fix. They can't move much farther east as J.T. has a house at the curve, a well site on the Rogers property since P&A 'ed that is inline with the site they cleared in 10 and is several hundred feet south into 15 should be legal. My thoughts at the start was drill both sections from the one location.
I plan on attending the DNR meeting in Baton Rouge next tuesday and will see if it is mentioned at the pool hearing for section 15. I am sure PetoHawk planned to permit the well after the pool hearing and with the effort/$ spent so far are working on a solution.
On the enclosed TWP scan of 10 &15 a E. Sanders owns the corner. I don't know if this information is still current.
Does anyone know who is cutting the right of way up to the DSK well that was drilled by J&W operating a few years ago. That well ended up as a dry hole. It is in 16N 10W sec 11, Right off the Bistineau Lake


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