Hello everybody,

If you would like to share any idea's with us that would help us to better organize this area, please let us know! We have started to pull many units together but will still haven't done anything as a group to get ready.If you would like to be a part of this gathering please let us know.Even if you feel you could better serve yourself individually we could still use your input.We will need volunteers in every area that we represent to help keep each other up to date. We need your help , plain and simple. If this thing is going to work for everyone we need to get ready.Things are fixing to speed up faster then you could imagine.Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

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Hello Goofy, glad to hear you have seen notes of the meeting to see what we are doing and our plan with the shale. Our original target area was from 531 to Stanley Perryman Road and everyone in between but we have decided to let everyone that wants to, to join. The reason being the more land we can offer to the gas companies the higher the lease payments and royalties we can command, thereby increasing the profitability for all. I must confess I have not considered the effect on the salt domes, I will try to contact someone with knowledge in that field to see if they can be there that night. This is a good example of the enormity of the situation, you bring ideas to the table that maybe no one else has thought of. I hope you can become an integral part of the group and share your ideas which will make us all stronger. Thank you for your interest, I hope to see you and your friends at the meeting.
I know several home and land owners that are out of state that would like to know where the oil and gas meeting will be held this Friday, August 15,2008 in Minden,La. can someone help with this information.
Ms. D.

There is a meeting of landowners at Beech Springs Church on Hwy 80 in Minden, LA. on Friday August 22, 2008. Could this be what you are asking about? Contact for this meeting is Bruce Bratton Phone #377-9684.
What township/range is this in?
Beech Springs itself is somewhat near the line between Sec 25 T19 R9 and T19 R8. Bruce describes the area in a post about three or four above this one.
This would be around T19N, Range9W, Sections 25,36 and T19N, Range8W Sections 29,30,31,32. I think anyone close to these areas. The comment was stated as anywhere from Stanley Perryman Rd. to Hwy 531.
Thank you I will pass this on
Yes Perry, you are correct that was our original target area, we have now decided to expand with the idea being that with more acreage we have, we can command higher lease bonus payments and royalties. So by all means everyone is welcome, we would love to see you at the meeting along with Goofy and Ms.D and anyone else with an interest in the haynesville shale. We will be planning committees and assignments and we will have a speaker to touch on the tax/financial aspects of our windfall when we recieve our payments. Also we are in the process of trying to contact a geologist from the Shreveport area to discuss the salt dome effect and other environmental impacts to our area. Please remember we are a no fee, no percent group who wants everyone to receive every penny that they deserve. Hope to see all of ya'll at the meeting the 22nd and that we can make our group a strong, prepared group. Thanks everyone and good luck!
Hey Bruce , hope all is going well. Sure would like to see you guy's come on board.If you truely understand that there is power in numbers then this would be a no brainer.Two groups can't be as strong as one huge group .Good luck , Snake
How about a recap of the meeting for those of who couldn't make it?
We had a good turnout. It is exciting to see how everyone else is finally getting excited. So many of the folks around here are still so scepticle about all this and rightly so. This Shale will change everyones life that it comes in contact with whether directly or indirectly.Some for the good , some for the bad.The months of study and meetings to try to layout the best possible plan are coming together and we are begining to reap the rewards. We still have miles to go before we sleep but we have begun non the less.

Carey Igo brought forth a beautiful ,heart felt layout of what we are trying to accomplish. Stacy introduced some of the many people , although I left off about 3 that I will have to buy flowers for( Taylor and Dena especially) that have been working so many months already for preparation. Connie S went over our membership agreement.Tammy , our resident "landlady" explained to those that needed to find their descriptions , how they could go about doing this. That all was followed by a well thought out "non staged everything on the line" question & answer period. Overal I think things went good. We had some tough questions but that lets me know they are really thinking hard about this thing. And that is a good thing.Got to meet a few more of my peeps.It gets so crazy after the meetings with questions and stuff that we don't get to mingle like I would like. I may keep my big mouth shut at the next meeting just so I can mingle with the crowd. NAAHHHH! You know me ,couldn't keep my mouth shut if I wanted to.

I want to thank each and every member of this group( Go Hahnesville Shale) that has helped to inform the members of our group. We couldn't be where we are without the efforts of you all.That goes for the negative crowd as well because you have helped forge our defense as well.

Our next meeting will be up in a week or two. We wont be able to wait a month in between but these meetings sure take a lot out of the non pro types like myself.Our shirts went over like maple syrup in a cat head biscuit! Signs will be in on Tuesday I think. Sure could use the continuing support of this network. You guy's are the greatest! Gohaynesvilleshale.com
Hey snakestewart! I would like to get two of those signs you mentioned at the meeting, when they are available! I have some high traffic spots to put them on where I live, and looking foward to doing just that. Let me know when and where I can pick them up. Thanks! Dena


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