Nick Bellard
  • Male
  • Church Point, Louisiana
  • United States
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At 3:42 on August 8, 2008, SAM Cd2 said…
I was an early signer at $100 / acre - 20 acres. My property is on the south side of section 15 T15 R16W. Chesapeake is accessing the Muslow O & G by a private road (Endeavor P/D) that separates my section from section 22. When you turn down Endeavor, the property to your left (sec 15) up to my driveway belongs to an estate and the property to your right (sec 22) belongs to a timber company up to even with my driveway where the Muslow property begins. Four families live down this road and we all live on section 15 side. We are the ones who have maintained the road before Chesapeake moved in. According to Chesapeake our leases give them right to ingress and egress, but do we have right to compensation for the inconvenience, the wear and tear on our vehicles, the noise, the dust, etc from Chesapeake. If we do have that right, what would a fair rate be? and would I have to hire an attorney to receive the compensation from Chesapeake. I have already tried writing to Chesapeake. Thanks, SAM
At 11:24 on August 7, 2008, Sue said…
Hello my name is Sue. This is emails back and forth from this guy Shawn. I was offered $8,500 from a landman and Shawn says he can get $25,000 by dealing direct with Chepk. At first there was no charge, than he says they changed there minds 1%. But you have to pay for your own lawyer.

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Thursday, August 07, 2008 10:19 AM
To: Jeardoe, Shawn R SSgt USAF ACC 372 TRS / DET 5/FTD
Subject: GAS LEASE

Attached is the signed consent form. Let me know when the nextmeeting is? The fee will be 1% of the bonus correct? This would be what I would have to pay: (31,995.77 sf div by 43,560 sf/acre) = .7345
acre x Bonus $25,000.00 = $18,362.50 x 1% = $183.62. Will there be a lawyer to look at the lease before we sign or do we also need to get an attorney?
Sue Procell
324 North Willow Drive
Bossier City, LA 71111
Section 21 T19N R13W

--- On Thu, 8/7/08, Jeardoe, Shawn R SSgt USAF ACC 372 TRS / DET 5/FTD

From: Jeardoe, Shawn R SSgt USAF ACC 372 TRS / DET 5/FTD

Subject: RE: GAS LEASE
Date: Thursday, August 7, 2008, 10:38 AM

I believe that is correct. I hope that it didn't turn anyone off about it. I knew that he was thinking about doing it, but didn't know that he had pressed forward with it and after he ordered some section Maps and
several trips from Haughton to the Benton court house he went ahead with it. As for the lawyer, that is up to you. If you would like to have one present that is your right plus it will help to make sure that the gas co doesn't try to slip something in on the lease. Shawn is
pretty picky about the lease and reads everything, which is good. When a gas lease is signed with the gas co; You, 2 witnesses, the gas co, and a notary must
be present. When I spoke with Shawn last night, he mentioned that he would just write it in that the gas co will hold back the 1% until everything is said and done. Nobody needs to worry about paying him and figuring
things out. If there is one thing I have learned in the short time doing this, is everything needs to be legal and make sure that you have all your I's dotted and T's Crossed. By having the gas co hold that money,
it will make it easier for Shawn to keep track of it, as you probably know, Uncle Sam is going to take about 40% of it.
Also, I will be at that meeting tonight at the Methodist church @ 6:30pm. I'll have a copy of the addendum with me for folks to look at.


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