kenziesmom315 b2 & cb4
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At 2:11 on August 28, 2008, PerryB2 said…

Hey Girl! Your property in Claiborne is in T19N, R8W, Section15.

At 5:20 on July 3, 2008, Snake Stewart said…
Hey Sam, How have things been going with you and yours ? Me and some of the old crew were talking about the good ole' days here while back. Things sure do change in a relatively short period of time.

Sam, I really don't have much intel on Claiborne , Heck I really don't have much intel about Webster! Things are very quiet around here. But I do know that testing (seismic) is going on up Old Athens highway.Their have been several posts concerning the testing and where they are taking place.We are not going to know for sure until they stick a bit in the ground. Every indication so far shows at least part of the 2 parishes are thought to be on the Shale.Although the initial maps that showed projected areas has shrunk somewhat, even without drilling stats.I believe this is an effort to stem rising bonus prices.They can't be everywhere at once and we are away from the initial assault.That being said , I feel that we can benefit from being overlooked until later in the play. If we are to be leased it would be at a much higher rate then was first offered around here. We can learn from Shreveport/Bossier and be in a much better place when the time does come.

There have been people in my area that have leased in the last couple of weeks but those actually went to O & G to get offer.A much smaller offer than others due to their unwillingness to wait.

I started the South Webster Association of Mineral Owners about a month or so ago.It started out slow but we have gained momentum daily. There is no cost associated with being in our group , unlike some of the other groups.This is strictly neighbors looking out for each other.The better organized we get ,the better off we will all be.If you would like to join please e-mail me at with a general description of where you are and how much land you have. Your info will never be given out. We have acreage in 4 parishes right now. Some may not be on the Shale but O & G will have to prove this with the drill, we ain't taking their word for it. Be sure and check out Claiborne group as I am sure they are more familiar with this area.

Hope to hear back from you on this. Either way , it sure was good chatten' with you. Mom and Dad are good and I will tell them you asked about them.Have a good one!


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Posted by Keith Mauck (Site Publisher) on November 20, 2024 at 12:40

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