EOG Announces Excellent Results from 1st Bossier Shale Test (2/9/10)

EOG included the following information in their 2009 Operational Highlights:


"In an area where EOG had previously focused on the Haynesville, EOG reported strong production results from its first Bossier natural gas test. The Sustainable Forest 5 - No. 2 Alt., drilled to a vertical depth of 11,400 feet in the Trenton prospect area in DeSoto Parish, La., began producing at 13 million cubic feet per day. EOG has 100 percent working interest in the well that is estimated to have reserves in excess of 8 billion cubic feet. EOG is currently operating five rigs in the Trenton prospect where it is drilling and developing both the Bossier and Haynesville reservoirs concurrently."


EOG's presentation actually shows the well testing at 13.1 MMcfd.  This test rate plus EOG's estimate of 8+ Bcf for the well confirms the Bossier Shale play has great potential in portions of North Louisiana and East Texas.  This announcement of concurrent development of the Bossier Shale and Haynesville Shale by EOG helps explain the multiple well permits in this section.


EOG, Sustainable Forest 5 #2A Well, Serial #240171, S5-T11N-R12W

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Henry -- The well that is marked green as an Encana well may be the Sistrunk well (#239983) in Section 3 of Township 9 North, Range 12 West. Encana has a few others in that general area, but I think the Sistrunk was their first completion in Sabine. The other well on the map further south (yellow -- "Industry Operated Well") might be Forest's Blackstone well (#239521) that they self-reported with an IP of 21. Just a guess, and I'd be interested to hear from Les, Skip and some of the others on their thoughts on the identification of these wells. It's great to finally get some information on the Sabine wells and the early results look pretty good.
Skip and ALongview,

The acreage is too scattered to give you a breakdown of each Section - the Townships and Ranges denoted in my earlier post are the general areas - I didn't look too closely at the Texas side of the map to identify specific surveys - they may not have much acreage across the line (as you stated AL) - mainly my eyes were focused on the Desoto/Sabine/RedRiver/Natch parish areas. Again, it's mainly south of the S/2 of T11N and easterly to northern Natch parish, much of which includes what Petrohawk and EOG define as a "sweet spot" or "core" area.

I will be visiting with some of their booth reps later today and inquire as to what the strategy is for this and surrounding areas for Bossier and Haynesville development, and I'll let you guys know if there is anything of significance that hasn't already been discussed. Personally, I am not too worried about the Encana decision to sell acreage - all of my contacts appear to be very bullish on this general area, so it's probably as earlier stated - not enough consolidated acreage and/or time left on lease terms to develop.
Thanks, Mattie. I am also curious when CHK, or the buyer(s), will announce the transfer of their north Caddo - Bossier and E. TX. leasehold. I suspect that much of the proceeds of that sale will go into the southern end of the Play. Bids were due Feb. 6.
As Far as the 17MMcfd, in Sabine, That is the Sistrunk well. I received that straight frrom Encana in November


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