The Barnett shale was considered to be a monster find at 2 to 5 MMcf/d

The first three wells by Petrohawk in the Bossier Elm Grove area were 16.7, 16.8 and 20.1 MMcf/d. Understand this! these wells have chokes. The volune is reduced by about 60% Do the math!

The first well (16.8) produced a average of 13.7 MMcf/d for the first thirty days.

Petrohawk hired a outside firm to access the amount of gas in that section.

Their findings were, if the gas was averaged thru the section there would be 170 BCF in that section.

How much is that? One well producing 15MMcf/d would take about 32 years to extract that much gas!

Of course they will use multible wells in each section. One well in that tight of a formation can't get to all of it.

They were very exicted to find the depth of the shale was about 250 feet.

What is the depth of the shale in South Caddo and North Desoto.
I'm hearing 1100 to 1400 thick!

For some strange reason the results for a number of wells are ready but have not yet posted results.

Did you here the one about the drillers are running out of money!

Both Cheasapeak and Petrohawk are offering stocks as I speak to fund the purchase additional land in the Haynesville shale.

If they don't have the money someone will!

30 to 60 days from now will be a new ball game!


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Have you heard Palin's comments today that she just passed a 40 b pipeline to "get the natural gas to people that desperately need and want it".

Hey, I agree with you about Joe Biden being "real as rain" from continued observation & other sources. However I messaged Haynesville last night about a discussion that should be in politics, so as much as I agree with your political expertise let's be careful about it.
I truly hope that you are right if it they come out on top. I wanted your opinion, because I am strongly convinced of conservative values. I do think Joe Biden was a good choice for him to make though. I respect your opinion, that is why I asked. I was surprised when you said that you were a democrat. I surely did not intend to add any sort of fuel to the fire for anyone to find fault. (But it seems that no good deed goes unpunished, the more you help, the more you are attacked).

I wanted insight from the other side. I just want to believe that we can end up with a LEADER, no matter what the party affiliation. Our country needs someone who will do what is right even when it is unpopular.

I believe that there is so much broken that government can't fix. I just hope that they will fix the things that they can. And I hope that the pendulum will swing and that society will fix some of the other woes.

I guess if they win, and you are right, I won't have to move to Canada. Maybe just Alaska. I gotta say, I like what Sarah Palin has to say. But saying and doing are vastly different things, I guess only time will tell.

Haynesville shale or not though, I strongly agree that we have got to stop exporting our wealth to buy oil from other countries. I think it is akin to using the rent money to pay for a crack addiction. As much as $4.00 a gallon of gas hurts, I hope that it is the pain that wakes our country up to new possibilities.
It is a shame you don't like Texans. No comment any further.
Texans football team, not Texans the citizens of the state.

Jim K, while the O folks are efficient, it is exactly that efficiency I'm scared of because it will be very efficient in enacting laws with an extreme liberal/socialist bias. O is one of the most liberal Senators there is, based on his voting record. Now granted, he hasn't been there very long but he's voted with his own party 99% of the time and is always liberal. I don't care about his color, his height, his wife, his kids, etc. I care about his ideas. I don't like them. He's an empty suit, but where there is substance, it goes against everything I believe in. I hate McCain, too, but I'll hold my nose and vote for him because O is a horrible was the Hillary monstrosity.
Haven't seen you post in a while, JKW3, glad to hear from you. As you know, as far back as Spindletop, the business has been boom and bust. It'll likely stay that way. One good side effect of the reduced price of oil and gas is the eventual reduction in the associated costs and shortages which the higher prices led to to begin with. Because of the lower gas price, slowdows in drilling and leasing will inevitably occur. As you stated earlier, the slowdown will be somewhat less evident in the Haynesville because of the high average costs of the leases. However, much of the Haynesville is HBP and it is some of that acreage that may get put on the back burner till either higher prices or lower costs show up. Judging by the collapse of the stock prices of the steel companies, someone out there thinks that the supply of steel tubulars for wells and pipelines will someday outstrip the demand . If so, shortages will go away and prices will come down. If the reserve estimates for a section of Haynesville Shale in the fairway are even close to being accurate, it will all get drilled.......every section......eventually. If any of ther sections are missed, you and I need to drill it!
Looks like the rig got moved out of Section 16. Just starting the bend in section 9. Hope you're doing well.
Two excellent posts! (jkw3 and spring branch) This is what we need here.
September 18, 2008
Dale offers $25,000/acre to River Oaks group
River Oaks Area Gas Leasing Group, which says it represents about 160 properties covering 70 acres, reports an offer from Dale Resources, on behalf of Chesapeake Energy, of $25,000 a year, 25 percent royalty and three-year term.
Organizer Steve Holland reports that the organization is considering the offer and is "working on a lease agreement that would reflect these terms
" The group has members in River Oaks, Westworth Village, Samson Park and the 76114 zip code area of Fort Worth. The area has previously been heavily leased, Holland says, but the group has steadily grown its membership.
Hey Lisa , God works in mysterious ways. That indeed would be miraculous.
Mr. Krow , Check with "H" about the ISP. That will show you that I am free and clear as I have been on your other accusations. When I told you I was done , that meant I was done. I will accept your apology when you have done this so you can get on with the next person that feels the need to confront you.If I need to say something to you it will be as it has in the past , as Snake Stewart. Thanks and have a good evening.



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