I have a pre application notice by Samson Contour for ten units in North Shreveport and they want to redefine CV from 8,170 to 9,650 based on a neighboring well and HA from 10,055 to 11,487. So what happens to the gas from 9,650 to 10,055? How can they be so sure based on neighboring wells?

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This is a good description in laymans terms. The depths, thicknesses, and even existance of formations varys from location to location. As more wells are drilled, more information is available.

If you think this is a little confusing, KB, you should see the Units in South LA. The Units tend to be Geological Units, that is they are shaped in the approximate shape of the resesvoir being drained, and will change shape as new wells are drilled and more information is available!
I own property in one of three drilling and productions units in North DeSoto and South Caddo Parishes proposed by Chesapeake Operating, Inc. Chesapeake proposes to redefine the Haynesville Zone between the depths of 10,055' and 11,487' (INSOFAR AND ONLY INSOFAR) as these proposed units.

Why define a Zone at all?
Why define the Haynesville Zone at 10,055' to 11,487' when, to the best of my knowledge, the gas producing Haynesville shale is probably only a little over 200' in this area?

Those are the same limits proposed in North Shreveport and they cited a CHK well in T16NR15WS21which is south around Woolworth Rd.
CHK's proposal is preposterous. Go to the preapplication meeting, with a lawyer if you can, and threaten to show up in Baton Rouge when their application comes up for formal review by the Commision. Otherwise, prepare for their application to be approved. This stuff should be fought when it is discovered to be unfair. I think the commision will think twice if only one person stands up to object. If no one does, they will always say ok.
Per Sonris CHK started drilling this well on 10/29/08.
(Burford 31 #H1 Well, Serial #238532, S31-15N-14W)
I don't believe anyone went to the preapplication meeting. The public hearing in Baton Rouge is November 6, 2008.
I started working for SWEPCO over 30 years ago and was moved to Dallas by CSW the parent company of SWEPCO. I was moved to Columbus, Ohio, where I now live, by American Electric Power, the company that acquired CSW.
I plan to make a trip to Shreveport to see the well being drilled. I have a friend in Shreveport who is a lawyer. I will ask his advice. By the way, I hope to retire in Shreveport soon.
1) They have to have a zone defined, so the lessors can pay their lessees. Diffrent zones may be leased to diffrent companies.

2) They are defining the zone based on markers found in the well log. If you dispute the interval being defined, you better have some geological reason.
Permalink Reply by KB 1 day ago
Oh, dear, Jay: I know that; but until I know how to read those logs, they will remain "squiggly" lines to me.

Hey Jay , "Squiggly" is Yiddish for ...perfectly drawn and fully understood!
Thus actually reading...."but until I know how to read those logs, I will know that they are perfectly drawn and fully understood by you , so I will wait for your explanation Jay".


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