deltic stock is going nuts i guess because they have such a huge

mineral interest in the brown dense area and the leasing companies

are still going full bore so i would conclude that the well is a smoker.

anyone else have any insight?

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You guys are correct.  The LA wells shown just south of the proposed unit are in 23N - 5W.
Does anyone know if there is any activity in Lafayette County?  Have not heard anything in a long time coming out of this area.
As to the Brammer-anderson well, anyone have updates as to how the testing is progressing??
The latest word on the well is that the group that drilled it is having problems with H2S (sour gas) and they are going to abandon the well (at least temporarily).  Not good.



Did you mean abandon well or shut it in?  They could have

reasons other than H2S. Such as delaying further data release. That would make sense to me. Not that I doubt that they may have H2S problems. I suspect that the state may restrict how long they can flare well. Does anyone know?

The only thing that I heard is that the well is not making many liquids (which they were hoping on) and that the pipeline access in the area was not very good and they would have to take the gas far and the pipeline would be costly, in addition to the H2S all make the well not economic. 
I guess we'll see. If it's over then it was fun while it lasted.
kinda what i've been hearing as well





Who is Shoeffler energy? Do you live in Shreveport?

Who did you get your information from? You also knew the EOG well was going to be P&A before anyone else. How?


Reply by Gayle Witherspoon on November 10, 2009 at 11:03am

"I have heard that they are going to plug the well. Could not get anything to flow..."


Why do you have 2 accounts?


Why do you continue to give this kind of advice?


 Reply by Gayle Witherspoon on February 2, 2010 at 2:12pm

"I had a lease offer last summer for 125 an acre a 1/5th royalty and I thought that was way too cheap, then the company walked away. Make sure that you don't get too greedy. I think sometimes we get to caught up in what happened in the Shreveport area."


Reply by Gayle Witherspoon on February 3, 2010 at 6:44am

"I agree with you about a shorter time period, maybe offer them to lease for three years, but give them an option to extend it for 2 more years for the same amount of money. I have heard of several people doing this in North Louisiana and South Arkansas. "





Reply by Gayle Witherspoon

"The Arkansas Oil and Gas commission has all of the well data. On this website and in the data specific to this well you can find an affidavit to plug and the necessary permits to plug the well. No need to wait and see anymore"

You seem very knowledgable just to be a land owner who missed out on that whopping $125/acre

    " We have 700 contiguous acres in T21N R3W Union Parish & 21N R4W in Claiborne Parish.

We have always sold some good leases in the past for good bonus, but in this latest surge by

PineBelt, etal, we have received only minimal interest with offers not approaching the top dollars I have seen in our area.  Could someone please supply me with names and phone numbers that I might contact about our acreage.  This will be greatly appreciated & I hope I can return the favor

in the future.  Skip, I am especially interested in your take on this"



Reply by Gayle Witherspoon on September 14, 2010 at 4:11pm

"Schoeffler Energy out of Lafayette, LA"


Schoeffler Energy??? I thought you missed out on the leasing?


I know this may seem like the 3rd degree but the information your passing along is kind of important to me.



Where is les turk? Hope he didn't get down wind from all of this H2S.

North LA,

It is okay to give the third degree. I understand your questioning me.  Anytime that one puts out information such as I have put out, it raises questions.  I will attempt to address your questions to me. 

You ask who is Schoeffler Energy and if I live in Shreveport, no I do not live in Shreveport.  In my opnion, it would be foolish of me to share such information on the world wide web.  I will not disclose where I live nor my identity.  If that makes you uncomfortable, I understand and will not comment anymore on this subject.  About Schoeffler Energy, I will answer your last question to me about Schoeffler Energy along with your first comment about them here.  Schoeffler Energy is a group of lease brokers just like Pinebelt.  When someone asked about a land company I suggested them because they are the leasing group that put together the large lease position for EOG when EOG was drilling their first well in Lafayette County.  I was tryng to put the concerned landowner in touch with an active (or so I thought to be active) leasing company to insight competition on behalf of the landowner.  How do I know this you ask.  Well on one of these brown dense threads it was mentioned that Border Exploration was operating the well, but that EOG had its name on the location.  I seached Border Exploration on the web to find out about the company and the Louisiana Secretary of State Corporation database has them listed along with the principles.  I googled the principles names and discovered that the principle also owns a leasing company by the name of Schoeffler Energy.  Using a connect the dots theory, that is how I came up with Schoeffler Energy doing the work for EOG.  It may be just coincidental, but I think not.  You can dismiss it if you want.

Why two accounts?  Simple.  I got a new email address and could not login anymore and needed to create a new account. 


You ask me why I continue to give "this kind of advice".  I am not sure what your problem is with my advice.  I think it is sound advice.  The Haynesville Shale leasing frenzy has done much to screw up the thought process on leasing activity.  Very few areas, if any, will ever be as prolific as the Haynesville Shale area.   My advice is not good advice for someone in the Haynesville area, but have for normal oil and gas exploraiton, in my opinion, my advice was good.  The person it was given to can take it or leave it.  I was just pointing out facts from personal experiences. 


You question my knowledge of things.  Fair enough, I am very educated on many things, especially this kind of stuff.  I do not like the way that sounds because I do not like to brag or talk about myself at all.  I take pride in educating myself to the utmost degree.  I read, I attend seminars, I read more, I investigate, I join forums, I read press releases, I investigate more, I walk the grounds, I show up in court houses, I have other ways as well that I will choose not to disclose, and most of all I listen to everything.  If you do not like that answer, again, I am sorry it is what it is.


I am sorry to have spooked you with the information that I have provided.  If it turns out to not be accurate, I  will certainly caution against posting again.  As you can tell, I do not like to post to begin with.  In fact, I regret doing so.  I do not like the attention that I and you have brought to me.  I only tried to add knowledge to the people of this forum.  I am sorry for creating such concern with you.  I hope that I am wrong and that Anderson and company make a huge well and that it is all a huge success. 



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