EOG just completed a monster H Shale well in East Nacgodoches County Texas

Gammage # 1 H in North Chireno area Nacgodoches County was completed last week and is said to be monster of shale well equal to any in NE La. They premitted a 2nd well in same area the Hill # 1 H EOG is JV with Hk. This is about 7 miles South of Martinsville Texas. I would not be surprised to see these wells shut-in with NG $3 range until market improved to the $ 6-7 range

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that sounds like cabot bravado to me. i'm betting the 10 mcf+ figures are holding, as evidenced by the further development of this field. They've had a guard on sight for 2 months. I doubt any cabot people have been close enough to confirm anything.
Now that I can believe. Thanks J!
Apparently, all the hands out there all eat at the same "Martinsville cafe" and this is where the information is coming from. My contact is just a field hand who is in the area every day.
to johnny Fluke---There is No Cafe in Martinsville---most field hands are Clueless
line not functional at this time has to be completed north as I said that is why rumor on the well dropping is bogus in my opnion
There is a cafe in Martinsville, Tx.
name and location?????????
I have land leased to Samson in the same survey, Y Barbo A-60, Nacogdoches county. They have a permit to go to 11,000' on ours and several more in the area. Sonerra has a permit to go, If I remember right, to 14,000'. Eog also has a permit to go to 17,000' on the Hill well. Would Samson only be going to 11,000 to get these leases hbp, and if the other wells are successful will they go back and drill to the HS later?
If you do not have vertical pugh clause in your lease any production at any depth will HBP your lease as long as that well is producing something. Hope you got lots of mineral acres. Good luck. Samson is good operator. If deeper gas is there in CV, shale, or CV lime at some point in time it will be drilled. The gas is not going anywhere. 11,000' will go thru the TP in that location. The Hill well vertical depth is ~ 13,000 into the shale with 4000' H lateral = 17,000 total.
Another question, our acreage is in a 600+ acres unit. Samson's permitted location is on the extreme north end of the unit. Is it posible they could drill more wells in this unit if this one is successful?
Travis Peak wells have 40-80 acre spacing---Yes in time they will drill more. 8-16 wells in TP --then if there is shale could drill another 8 H wells depending on shape of unit. Not to mention if CV and CV Lime is productive another 8+8 wells. So see they could be drilling on this unit for decades. This is reason never let some one talk you in sale of your minerals it can produce mailbox income for many years. Educate your children NEVER SELL MINERALS.
Thanks for the info.


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