Haynesville, it seems to me there are not enough Texas folks 'tuned in' to make counties work. I did a discussion group for Texas and it seems to be dying. It's totally up to you. Give it a shot, please!
Per ShaleGeo's comment on my page, please e-mail me the info he forwarded on to you. I appreciate help per same. (I know you have to be swamped beyond belief, so I do appreciate you taking the time to send me info. Again, ShaleGeo asked me to contact you per same.)
Can you tell me if Petrohawk & Chesapeake are aggressively buying leases in Red River? EnCana seems to be the only game in town. Do you know who to contact with these two and what have you heard on Bonus Payments if anything? Thanks
I'm getting emails notifying me of responses to discussion posts, but when I follow the link (or log on independently, for that matter), there are no replies. What might be going on here, do you think?
Per request from ShaleGeo and myself...When you can...please forward my email to Jay. Thanks in advance for your help. I will notify ShaleGeo of my phone, etc. from that point.
Three hours ago there was a post "Ellerbe Road Estates..." concerning being left out for leasing, the O&G are not interested. I cannot find that post. Have I lost my mind to leasing phobia?
Good morning. Thanks again for the web site - it's been invaluable. I'll suggest a new discussion group, if it is possible, please. We have "Ask Jay, the Geologist," and it's been a great success. Could we have, "Ask ___, the O&G Lawyer?" I realize no one wants to give legal advice over the web, but maybe we could find an O&G Lawyer who could point people in the right direction to figure out legal issues associated with leasing, forced pooling, ownership, etc. Is there anyone on your site who would be willing to help? At the very least, he/she could tell people when they actually need to go see a lawyer as opposed to when they can do things for themselves. What do you think?
I am having trouble with being able replying to anything, receiving or viewing messages from friends, or pretty much anything else. It comes up down at the bottom of my screen and says "error on page". Nothing populates up near the Ning section either. Is there something that I have messed up?
Thanks for everything. I have really enjoyed your site. It is quite addictive.
I have noticed that there is a lot of activity in Rusk Co., Tx. Can you tell me if there has been any new drilling activity in the Overton, Smith Co. Texas area ?
I find myself kinda surprised at some of the negative comments that have appeared on the main web page in regards to OC's and others. Quite frankly, three months ago, if some slick haired shrill voiced huckster like Billy Mays had offered to buy my land, lock, stock and barrel for what the OC's are offering in bonus money (18 to 25k) he would have it now instead of me.
More to the point, I have started an informal coalition of 25 landowners in my area that is a free, loose knit group that own 1400 acres. We banded together simply to have more bargaining power when they start leasing in this area again. No one is paid, nor do any of us actually speak for anyone else. The whole idea is that when one of us gets an offer, they will inform the others, so maybe we can get several OC's bidding against one another. We don't have a web site or a formal agreement written. How do you suppose we could best make our Coalition known to the landmen? Thanks for your input on this site.
This is the website of the group negotiating for us. I believe they have about 1000 acres pooled by signatures of intent. There are church members who are advising the negotiating committee but no land/gas professionals directly involved. There is NO compensation due. Just a "drop a dollar in the bucket to help with mailings if you want to" thing. I confess I put $10 in because I have it.
RE: your msg on Friday, I would be happy to. I'll also want to vet it to a couple of O&G attorneys that I do business with to make sure that there are no discrepancies before I post. Also, I'll have to fit this around my day job.
I would like to be a sponsor of this site. I have been receiving numerous calls on helping with leases. I am going to tell all my clients to join this site. I would like to be the site guest columnist. I could summarize Louisiana Law and other issues and you could post them on your site.
I respect your site and the time you put into it. I also respect that you are trying to keep peace. None of my post were directed at people because they were women. The statements I made were in regard to their complaining about bonuses not their sex. I would say the same things to a man or a woman. If they want to play the gender card that is their issue.
Yes, I have several lots of land in the Barnett Shale- two leased and two in the process. In what Survey and County is your property located? Please forward me the email contacts for XTO and other O&G companies you have been in contact with.
H- First, thanks for the work you have done on this site. Incredible. For us out of state and "first timers" this site is a wealth of knowledge. I was interested in your post a couple of days ago regarding "4 miles west of Converse" We have in the 60-80 acre range in that exact area (about four miles west of converse). I do have an attorney, but was curious what is happening or not happening in this area, and the 0&G that made the 16K offer. Thanks, Kane
Hello, I am from San Augustine Texas and have been a member of this site for about 2 months. This site has been a blessing to our community here in San Augustine. I would love for our town to have its on place where everyone to be able to come together and give out information here . It would be wonderful if each county could have a place. Who would have ever known that something like this could ever happen around our area. Its a true blessing!!!!!! So please has much as I stay on this website trying to get information to help folks here . I would love to have a sit place where we could give out what oil and gas companys are here, what the leases are going for in each area of our community and to be able to reach out to our elderly . I would like to give a BIG THANKS to Haynesville for having a wonderful web site.
Thank you also for all your hard work in keeping this site up and running. I'm sure it is quite a job. Thank again for your dedication in helping us learn more about the leasing process.
From what I recall, Jim was actually defending and endorsing local experts and attorneys. Based on his other web pressence it would be hard for me to believe that he would be any different on one site than another.
Perhaps he was defending himself from a false accusation about geology.
I would like to say it is not for profit, but something tells me in the end it will make some money somewhere. I don't know that for sure though. I've been working in Red River Parish lately.
I'll say it's grown a little. When I first joined there was around ten of us. It's unreal.
This site has been a great tool for educating the masses and just sharing information and experiences.
Nothing generates interest like the possibility of getting rich quick.
Well things are now in full swing on our property in Desoto Parish. We cumulatively have around 1500 acres. El Paso has just completed there first Haynesville test well about .25 mile to the south and all initial indications are good. Haynesville production units have now been established and additional wells are being planned.
This activity has also been in conjunction with additional Hosston and Cotton Valley development. To date they have drilled around 10 new wells (started in 2006) and have at least another 20 wells staked in addition to the Haynesville wells that are scheduled.
Absolutley incredible the amount of activity going on. You can hardly keep up with it.
About the lease near Oak Grove -- heard from a neighbor who lives on 483. No name for the land owner. Just a lease signing for $17,500.00 2 miles down 483 from Oak Grove. Sorry no more details passed to me.
Haynesville, I thought it may be interesting to create a way for members to track the drilling rigs by name. Maybe some group that people would post they saw Rig XXXX off Redoak Road or at the Smith 15 #2 Well. This may make it easier to know which HS wells are actually being drilled and how each Company is developing their acreage. Just a thought but I will leave it to you.
H. Thanks for creating the site. It is a public service and an endless source of information and entertainment. However, I must express my opinion that an interjection of politics is, in my humble opinion, inappropriate and a detriment to what I perceive to be the value of the thread and those that concentrate on the Shale/Minerals at the core of the discussion. I'm not opting out but I wanted you to know that I have no interest in the political opinions being expressed. It's a long way to Nov. 4. I would not care to see this continue.
Yeah, I agree. The longer someone spends on the site, the more they know and the less they are interested in threads that address subjects they have previously explored. I am just now reaching the "glazed eye" stage myself. The social networking aspect is certainly appropriate as you have segregated it. I would like to say that I am a little disappointed at the lack of interest in my topic concerning expropriation. I think it quite likely there are hundreds of acres involved though that act though most instances probably occurred long ago.
This site has been invaluable to me as an "out of stater" Caddo landowner. Would you like to hire me as a spelling proofreader? :-) I think you meant to say seize instead of cease. I don't think the politics are going to stop as much as I would like them to stop. Unless Haynesville deletes them when & if he screens.
Thanks for posting the link to the weather advisory at the top of the main page. Makes it as easy as shopping for all things at Wal-Mart ... check weather & shale all in one stop. LOL
Hello , This is a reply to the message I recieved from you about EZMINERALLEASE.com and their not following through with what they stated they would do. I just expect an honest answer from them, even if it is bad news is better than being ignored altogether. I do not feel I am being impatient. I sent my first inquiry which was iqnored nearly 72hrs ago.
H. I see reference by members to "cleaning up" the site. Moving topics to other locations (groups), deleting old info, etc. My "Expropriation" topic is beginning to get old and I am considering moving it. In the Groups List, I did not see a spot that seemed a good fit. Is there a place for topics discussing legal issues? If not, any advice on setting up one that would be appropriate. Not only for expropriation but discussion of legal issues in general. I'm thinking it may need to be separated from discussions of the mineral statutes which I think deserves its own group. Thanks.
You are welcome. I added the link to the conference's agenda. Several O & G will present Wednesday and Thursday. You never know what crumbs they will give us. ha ha!
Har C2
Jul 26, 2008
Donald L Ashberry
Jul 26, 2008
Har C2
They have the Township and Range
And Regions.
Best of both worlds.
Jul 27, 2008
DrWAVeSport Cd1
Per ShaleGeo's comment on my page, please e-mail me the info he forwarded on to you. I appreciate help per same. (I know you have to be swamped beyond belief, so I do appreciate you taking the time to send me info. Again, ShaleGeo asked me to contact you per same.)
Thanks again from all of us!
DrWAVeSport 7/28/08 p.m.
Jul 28, 2008
E. Parks
Jul 29, 2008
Har C2
I am going to totally focus on my parish (webster).
I am going to research contracts, now that is where my true expertise resides.
It is a great site. Good luck with the o/g and $. Signing off and out.
Jul 30, 2008
Aug 1, 2008
Mom A1
Aug 2, 2008
DrWAVeSport Cd1
Per request from ShaleGeo and myself...When you can...please forward my email to Jay. Thanks in advance for your help. I will notify ShaleGeo of my phone, etc. from that point.
DrWAVeSport Cd1
Aug 3, 2008
louisiana lady
Aug 4, 2008
Aug 4, 2008
Aug 7, 2008
Aug 10, 2008
Thanks for everything. I have really enjoyed your site. It is quite addictive.
Aug 13, 2008
Aug 13, 2008
More to the point, I have started an informal coalition of 25 landowners in my area that is a free, loose knit group that own 1400 acres. We banded together simply to have more bargaining power when they start leasing in this area again. No one is paid, nor do any of us actually speak for anyone else. The whole idea is that when one of us gets an offer, they will inform the others, so maybe we can get several OC's bidding against one another. We don't have a web site or a formal agreement written. How do you suppose we could best make our Coalition known to the landmen? Thanks for your input on this site.
Aug 16, 2008
This is the website of the group negotiating for us. I believe they have about 1000 acres pooled by signatures of intent. There are church members who are advising the negotiating committee but no land/gas professionals directly involved. There is NO compensation due. Just a "drop a dollar in the bucket to help with mailings if you want to" thing. I confess I put $10 in because I have it.
Aug 16, 2008
Har C2
Photo is named "POOLING QUESTION". brand new
I needs to be on the page because it will help stimulate discussion.
Aug 17, 2008
Dion Warr, CPL
RE: your msg on Friday, I would be happy to. I'll also want to vet it to a couple of O&G attorneys that I do business with to make sure that there are no discrepancies before I post. Also, I'll have to fit this around my day job.
Aug 18, 2008
Aug 18, 2008
Aug 19, 2008
Aug 20, 2008
Professor Fred
Thanks- Be blessed and be a blessing.
Aug 21, 2008
Kane Bennett
Aug 22, 2008
Aug 22, 2008
Aug 23, 2008
Aug 25, 2008
baxter smith
Aug 25, 2008
baxter smith
Aug 25, 2008
I believe I am confused about these "attacks"
From what I recall, Jim was actually defending and endorsing local experts and attorneys. Based on his other web pressence it would be hard for me to believe that he would be any different on one site than another.
Perhaps he was defending himself from a false accusation about geology.
Aug 25, 2008
And since when has redneck been considered an insult?
Our President is a redneck for God's sake!
Aug 25, 2008
Aug 25, 2008
Aug 26, 2008
Aug 26, 2008
Aug 27, 2008
Aug 27, 2008
This site has been a great tool for educating the masses and just sharing information and experiences.
Nothing generates interest like the possibility of getting rich quick.
Well things are now in full swing on our property in Desoto Parish. We cumulatively have around 1500 acres. El Paso has just completed there first Haynesville test well about .25 mile to the south and all initial indications are good. Haynesville production units have now been established and additional wells are being planned.
This activity has also been in conjunction with additional Hosston and Cotton Valley development. To date they have drilled around 10 new wells (started in 2006) and have at least another 20 wells staked in addition to the Haynesville wells that are scheduled.
Absolutley incredible the amount of activity going on. You can hardly keep up with it.
Aug 27, 2008
Aug 28, 2008
Les Bamburg
Aug 29, 2008
Mom A1
Aug 29, 2008
Skip Peel - Mineral Consultant
Aug 29, 2008
Skip Peel - Mineral Consultant
Aug 30, 2008
Aug 30, 2008
Aug 31, 2008
Aug 31, 2008
Thanks for your Help!
Aug 31, 2008
Skip Peel - Mineral Consultant
Sep 1, 2008
Dorcheated A1
Sep 2, 2008
Sep 2, 2008
Sep 3, 2008