Earmark or bookmark discussions or replies of other shalers that I might want to refer to at a later time--as a thread. Many people quote statutes or weblinks.
I am mainly a research person, I gave up on the Idea of getting my PhD. (unlike most of my friends) and was part of several interesting 'campaigns'. I tend to get attached to causes, most recently clean water and sanitation, the proliferation of natural gas and the state of our govt. I am a freelancer and mostly support my income with paintings....very strange, but true!
Haynesville, "Sponsors of GoHaynesvilleShale" does not link to information regarding the requirements for becoming a sponsor. My interest, specifically, is to offer "out-of-state" mineral owners, or those unwilling or unable to make a trip to a court house, a research service. I do not provide legal, geologic or negotiation service. I would provide copies of documents, data from databases, public and proprietary, and help track activity relative to the mineral owners holdings. The site is a great connection to the "Play" for those mentioned earlier. As an adjunct, I believe that some of those members might appreciate someone local to do some "leg work" on their behalf.
Haynesville: I'm talking to CHK about the CNG initiative and want to use some of the comments on this site in a presentation describing the extreme interest of some responders in furthering the use of NG. Is there a problem you foresee with that? I don't want to step on anyone's toes. I can do "cut and paste" but wanted to check with you first. If this is okay, do you know of another way to get the comments to CHK? My email is keithtoney@yahoo.com
Sorry, guess I did not read the agreement very well. I guess a few other folks havent either. Great site though and I have learned alot from it. Thanks again
I can no longer access my email from this site. Also, when to visit someone's page, like yours, and click on the email icon, I just get bumped to the "comment" box. That is why I am leaving you this comment and not emailing you.
Am I in trouble? LOL
Thank you again and best wishes to you and your family.
Usually, I click on the inbox icon on the right hand side, then the email section appears at the top of the page.
Now, when I click on the inbox icon, nothing happens.
I receive notice of a new email through my hotmail address and a link is provided to view the email. Now when I click on the link to try and view the email that way instead, I am linked to the sender's page here and am still not able to view the email.
You provide this service for free to us here and I do appreciate it. Thank you again for everything.
No, but I would certainly consider a website. I am unsure of how many members would be interested. I think that there is a need for the services I propose. I am looking for feedback. And prepared to respond if the anticipated interest is confirmed.
It was nice to hear from you, too. I thought that maybe you forgot about us over here, you know now that you're all bigtime and world famous. LOL LOL
BTW, if you know anyone that needs a dog...he won't fetch beer out of the ice chest or anything but he is FREE! Someone must have thought I needed one because they dumped him out at my house. I do think that he was someone's house dog and is a pure bred German Spitz, about 10 lbs, house broken and will obey commands. The only thing he does not seem to be able to do is stay out of the road. I live right by a very busy road and don't have a fenced yard. I will even deliver it to anyone that wants him!!
Hi, how did you come up with this new map showing the HS leasing area. I am thrilled because it includes Winn Parish but was just interested in how and why you created this. Thanks for your work and let's hope you are right on target.
By the way, does this map coincide with the state's estimate of the HS? Do you agree that the boundaries are still out there and we need more seismic and exploration to really know which parishes are included?
Thank you for the rememberance picture posted on your main page. I can't reinforce enough how we can never forget those lost in such a nonsensical and viscious attack on our country.
I finally rounded up some pics of a few pieces I've done recently. The rest of my work is hopefully surviving IKE at my house! I am hunkered down in a big concrete box right now....
I agree with Linda Gray about the proper forum for this site. Some of the posters need to be chatting on those websites such as Myspace.com or Facebook.com. I've learned a lot from many on this site but I don't like scrolling through nonsense.
Keith. I am just back in town and must leave again tomorrow. I wish to take option one from your previous email. I like option two but have one reservation. I am a one man shop and think it quite possible that the demand may be more than I can satisfy in a timely fashion. Therefore, I choose the one month sponsorship ad and would like to start before the end of the month. Let me know what I need to do. Thanks, Skip
Keith, I thought I did delete it.....If I didnt just let me know what one it is and I will delete it for you....You can delete it if you want you are not going to bother me any! I loose what I said and where i said it....so if you come across something that looks as if it may be offensive just delete it.......I will try and not directly target a member...and i dont think i have done it since....but let me know if i do....I am not trying to discredit this site...It gives me something to do in between meetings and knock off some much needs stress with this market like it is!
I am in S28 T15N R16W.I received a letter saying they were force pooling in S21 (which is right behind me)Could you tell me anything about the activity going on over there.Thanks for all the information you provide for us that know little about all of this. Wanda
Thanks for all you do keeping up the site. You wanted us to let you know about the new setup this weekend...I find it a little harder for me to keep up with the most recent comments. Thanks Again!
I understand... Do I need to scale back some of my pics or restrict who can see them? Let me know if there is anything I can do with my stuff to help you keep things rea$onable!
Keith, I'm ready to get started on the one month banner ad. Please advise as to space/character limit and I will submit some copy for your approval. skippeel@gmail.com Thanks.
H. $30 ad generation fee, okay. Nonsolicitation in discussions, okay. No objection to changing my profile name and picture if ad discontinued. Compensation after ad is discontinued, I don't have a handle on that one as yet. My concern is that I may generate more business than I am comfortable handling in a reasonable time frame. If that was to occur, I had thought of having you remove my ad and repost it when I was caught up. I have no idea what members of the site might consider reasonable turn around time. Let me know if you have any thoughts. Draft copy follows.
Providing Copies of Legal Documents
from Clerk of Court Records in Caddo,
Bossier, DeSoto, Natchitoches, Red
River and Webster parishes
Skip Peel (318) 861-3633/skippeel@gmail.com
FYI: Upon contact I would provide the following details.
Services are based on a day rate of $280 billable in quarter day increments (minimum charge $70).
Mileage is billed at the IRS standard rate of $0.585 per mile. Copies are $0.50 per page. There is no
charge to forward images of documents by email. There is a $5 charge to forward hard copies by first
class mail. Payment may be by check or money order and is due upon receipt of your documents.
H. After some consideration, I propose the following:
Make me an offer on a six month run. Based upon your rate, I would commit to pay monthly whether my ad is "up" or not. I think that I will get sufficient business to pay whether I choose to be "up" or not. That way you get a guaranteed six month commitment and I can choose to skip a month whenever I may get more than I can handle in a timely fashion. If you would like, we could agree on an extension at an increased rate if I choose to continue which would obviously mean that I am generating sufficient business to continue. Let me know what you think of my draft copy. Thanks, Skip
I'm totally new to this...living in Atlanta, GA for the last five years...
My 155 acres in the Haynesville Shale is located at Section 5, Township 18N, Range 15W.
My understanding is that drilling will commence within the next couple weeks on plats directly to my West and North. I've been contacted about a natural gas pipeline on my property from both rigs to tie into a gas transmission line. Also, they would like to build a compressor station on my land with dimensions of 200' x 200'.
The offer per rod stands at $125. The offer on the compression station to be installed stands at $10,000.
My questions are:
Is $125 per rod in my area a good deal?
Rather than agreeing to a one time payment per rod, can an annual lease be negotiated on the pipeline? On the compressor station? If so, what would be a fair annual rent?
If I decline the offers, can I be legally forced to comply?
In any contract for a pipeline or compressor station, could you advise or direct me as to what clauses would benefit and protect me (regarding maintenance or other issues that may arise that I can't foresee at the moment)?
Thank you, but I am RETURNING after I heard you had new rules I decided to give it another try. I don't know how you do all you do, I would go crazy. God Bless
GALLON of GASOLINE EQUVALENT---One GGE of CNG pressurized at 2,400 psi is 0.77 cubic feet. This volume of CNG at 2,400 psi has the same energy content as one US gallon of gasoline (based on lower heating values: 148,144 BTU/CF of CNG and 115,000 BTU/gallon of gasoline.[3] Using Boyle's Law, the equivalent GGE at 3,600 psi is 0.51 cubic feet which corresponds to 14.5 liters or 3.82 actual US gallons.
With leasing activity about gone, it seems that we're left to discuss politics. The level and quality of discussion seems to have declined with the change of subject. Pity. Hopefully the winter will elevate NG prices and the new year will bring new budgets for leasing activity to step up.
Do you think the site server will be able to sustain the live chat during the VP debate? Buy you a beer at the next gathering if it does. Good luck. Hope you can gather statistics on the activity -- might be interesting to see after the fact. Do you expect to do a live chat group election day night as the returns roll in?
hey where is woodardville located, near what town? I got a sheet that says red river parish, I google it a nothing comes up. About the advertisement deal, I was wondering if any one knew of any company's Needing a Vendor to do there Solids Control work or A Vendor for Shaker Screens, or possibly all of the Above.
H, you gotta watch that going out of town business. Who will watch the children while you are gone? Thanks for the ad change notice. I think I may have to write that blog to help draw attention to it. I've had two contacts from the ad to date. Answered a question and made a referral. No business for me, Yet. I'm not worried, it'll pick up. Regards, Skip
H, I'll wait to see how your email impacts my ad. As to your suggestion about the slow down, I will consider it but I'm not sure that I am the best member to write on that topic. It would probably a pretty short piece. I thought that my first blog post might be a list of the different types of legal documents affecting a mineral estate and how they were important to a mineral owner in the management of their mineral interest. It stuns me to see how many individuals receive royalty income yet do not even have a copy of the lease governing those royalties. Many think that they own the minerals because they own the surface and may not be aware of HBP concerns or a prior sale of the mineral estate. There are a lot of individuals, including our members, who are in the dark and most don't know it. I would suggest to them that if they hold any substantive acreage in the core area of the play, they should assemble a file of all key documents before entering into negotiations to lease or consulting a qualified attorney. Attorneys will perform the search for applicable mineral documents but at a much heftier charge than I. And with time and money being major considerations, it's much better for the land/mineral owner to walk into that attorney's office with a complete file in hand.
H, thought I would give you some advance notice of a new topic that I will post in the next 24 hours. I will suggest that the GHS membership is a starting point for a Shreveport-Bossier based CNG demonstration project. I (we) will contact Kevin McCotter (local CHK head) and Aubrey McClendon and T. Boone Pickens with a request to support a local project to financially assist in the conversion to CNG of private autos and to provide private filling systems through home natural gas service. Center Point Energy, our local ng supplier, will be key to the latter suggestion but with some encouragement from Mssrs. McClendon and Pickens, they just might agree. It is certainly in their long term interests. It would help if we can get some support from local government officials for the conversion for city/parish vehicles but I would think that might be possible. Give me your thoughts at your earliest convenience. Skip
I got an e-mail about the chat which I thought was tonight but I don't know how to access it. Could you explain? Also, someone e-mailed and said the chat was last night. If I look at the current posts will those be last night's discussion? Thanks, Mary
I received this comment today by personal email from a member. I have been looking for some input on my ad and hoped to create some notice through my blog post. Please read her comments and consider whether there is any step I may take to stimulate additional interest. Possibly rewording my ad copy.
Skip, I really appreciate your prompt response and well thought out advice. I was glad to that see someone is trying to help land owners. I have seen, firsthand, how frustrating it is for someone who doesn’t know records to try to navigate the deed records or probate or whatever. It is tricky at times even for people who are familiar. About your ad, Skip. I visit GHS just about every day and I never, until yesterday, clicked on the sponsor tab. I did it then because I remembered seeing that you were a sponsor. I didn’t know what your business was until I read your blog (I don’t pay much attention to banners anymore) and you made the smallest mention of the service you provide. And that’s when I went looking for a way to contact you. I think there are plenty of people who are absentee landowners, mineral owners, etc… who would make use of your services. They just don’t know about you yet.
And you are so right about the timing…now we are all in a holding pattern until…whenever, who knows? Yes, the urgency is gone (at the moment) but this is when people should be trying to get ahead of the game by getting the information they need in order to proceed when leasing does pick up again. Maybe you should approach it from that angle? Just a thought. I see people all the time on GHS asking for help because they have been contacted and either live out of state, out of town or just plain don’t know how to proceed. And some of them are getting less than reliable or useful advice.
Its the last gasp of them here in TX. Very ripe and sweet.... my other pic was a william tell version with the strawberry on my head but it was dwarfed by the hair... I also have that zombie chic thing going on. working loads and have new pieces finished, collaborating with a sculptor on some resin potruding forms soon.... and perhaps an actual formal show if I am lucky (where the gallery only takes 20% of my asking price instead of 50%.... talk about taxes and fees) will post some on my comment page!
Quite a blessing this year. We've made some decent royalty money. Not enough to retire on, but it sure cushions things in this economy. Hope you were able to negotiate well. Thanks for this site. It has been invaluable.
Sep 3, 2008
Sep 5, 2008
Skip Peel - Mineral Consultant
Sep 5, 2008
Sep 6, 2008
Dorcheated A1
Your know all over the world. I just got done speaking with a guy from Austria.
Sep 8, 2008
Buzz Cooper
Sep 8, 2008
I can no longer access my email from this site. Also, when to visit someone's page, like yours, and click on the email icon, I just get bumped to the "comment" box. That is why I am leaving you this comment and not emailing you.
Am I in trouble? LOL
Thank you again and best wishes to you and your family.
Sep 9, 2008
Usually, I click on the inbox icon on the right hand side, then the email section appears at the top of the page.
Now, when I click on the inbox icon, nothing happens.
I receive notice of a new email through my hotmail address and a link is provided to view the email. Now when I click on the link to try and view the email that way instead, I am linked to the sender's page here and am still not able to view the email.
You provide this service for free to us here and I do appreciate it. Thank you again for everything.
Sep 9, 2008
Skip Peel - Mineral Consultant
Sep 9, 2008
BTW, if you know anyone that needs a dog...he won't fetch beer out of the ice chest or anything but he is FREE! Someone must have thought I needed one because they dumped him out at my house. I do think that he was someone's house dog and is a pure bred German Spitz, about 10 lbs, house broken and will obey commands. The only thing he does not seem to be able to do is stay out of the road. I live right by a very busy road and don't have a fenced yard. I will even deliver it to anyone that wants him!!
Sep 9, 2008
Sep 9, 2008
Marley West
By the way, does this map coincide with the state's estimate of the HS? Do you agree that the boundaries are still out there and we need more seismic and exploration to really know which parishes are included?
Sep 10, 2008
Natch N3
Thank you for the rememberance picture posted on your main page. I can't reinforce enough how we can never forget those lost in such a nonsensical and viscious attack on our country.
Natch N3
Sep 10, 2008
Sep 12, 2008
Dorcheated A1
You better come watch your children play on the 27th.
Sep 13, 2008
I hope that you and yours all survived Ike with no damage.
Thank you for getting my email working again!
Sep 14, 2008
Bobi Carr ("parker")
I hope you and your family survived the storm. We were without electricity but no damage to speak of. I hope you make it to the bbq.
Sep 14, 2008
Bill G
Sep 15, 2008
Ann W.
I agree with Linda Gray about the proper forum for this site. Some of the posters need to be chatting on those websites such as Myspace.com or Facebook.com. I've learned a lot from many on this site but I don't like scrolling through nonsense.
Sep 15, 2008
nisie, not a happy camper landowner
Sep 16, 2008
Skip Peel - Mineral Consultant
Sep 16, 2008
Bill G
Sep 18, 2008
Bill G
Sep 18, 2008
Billy Joe Tolliver
Sep 18, 2008
Sep 19, 2008
Sep 19, 2008
Sep 20, 2008
Thanks for all you do!
Sep 23, 2008
Skip Peel - Mineral Consultant
Sep 23, 2008
Sep 24, 2008
Skip Peel - Mineral Consultant
Providing Copies of Legal Documents
from Clerk of Court Records in Caddo,
Bossier, DeSoto, Natchitoches, Red
River and Webster parishes
Skip Peel (318) 861-3633/skippeel@gmail.com
FYI: Upon contact I would provide the following details.
Services are based on a day rate of $280 billable in quarter day increments (minimum charge $70).
Mileage is billed at the IRS standard rate of $0.585 per mile. Copies are $0.50 per page. There is no
charge to forward images of documents by email. There is a $5 charge to forward hard copies by first
class mail. Payment may be by check or money order and is due upon receipt of your documents.
Sep 24, 2008
Skip Peel - Mineral Consultant
Make me an offer on a six month run. Based upon your rate, I would commit to pay monthly whether my ad is "up" or not. I think that I will get sufficient business to pay whether I choose to be "up" or not. That way you get a guaranteed six month commitment and I can choose to skip a month whenever I may get more than I can handle in a timely fashion. If you would like, we could agree on an extension at an increased rate if I choose to continue which would obviously mean that I am generating sufficient business to continue. Let me know what you think of my draft copy. Thanks, Skip
Sep 24, 2008
Mark Tobey
My 155 acres in the Haynesville Shale is located at Section 5, Township 18N, Range 15W.
My understanding is that drilling will commence within the next couple weeks on plats directly to my West and North. I've been contacted about a natural gas pipeline on my property from both rigs to tie into a gas transmission line. Also, they would like to build a compressor station on my land with dimensions of 200' x 200'.
The offer per rod stands at $125. The offer on the compression station to be installed stands at $10,000.
My questions are:
Is $125 per rod in my area a good deal?
Rather than agreeing to a one time payment per rod, can an annual lease be negotiated on the pipeline? On the compressor station? If so, what would be a fair annual rent?
If I decline the offers, can I be legally forced to comply?
In any contract for a pipeline or compressor station, could you advise or direct me as to what clauses would benefit and protect me (regarding maintenance or other issues that may arise that I can't foresee at the moment)?
I thank you in advance for your time and help.
Take care,
Mark T.
Sep 24, 2008
Ann W.
Thank you for "3 Strikes and You Are Out."
-Ann W.
Sep 25, 2008
Sep 26, 2008
Sep 28, 2008
Skip Peel - Mineral Consultant
Sep 29, 2008
Har C2
Sep 30, 2008
Do you think the site server will be able to sustain the live chat during the VP debate? Buy you a beer at the next gathering if it does. Good luck. Hope you can gather statistics on the activity -- might be interesting to see after the fact. Do you expect to do a live chat group election day night as the returns roll in?
Oct 2, 2008
warren cagle
Oct 6, 2008
Skip Peel - Mineral Consultant
Oct 7, 2008
Skip Peel - Mineral Consultant
Oct 8, 2008
Skip Peel - Mineral Consultant
Oct 8, 2008
Oct 10, 2008
Skip Peel - Mineral Consultant
Skip, I really appreciate your prompt response and well thought out advice. I was glad to that see someone is trying to help land owners. I have seen, firsthand, how frustrating it is for someone who doesn’t know records to try to navigate the deed records or probate or whatever. It is tricky at times even for people who are familiar. About your ad, Skip. I visit GHS just about every day and I never, until yesterday, clicked on the sponsor tab. I did it then because I remembered seeing that you were a sponsor. I didn’t know what your business was until I read your blog (I don’t pay much attention to banners anymore) and you made the smallest mention of the service you provide. And that’s when I went looking for a way to contact you. I think there are plenty of people who are absentee landowners, mineral owners, etc… who would make use of your services. They just don’t know about you yet.
And you are so right about the timing…now we are all in a holding pattern until…whenever, who knows? Yes, the urgency is gone (at the moment) but this is when people should be trying to get ahead of the game by getting the information they need in order to proceed when leasing does pick up again. Maybe you should approach it from that angle? Just a thought. I see people all the time on GHS asking for help because they have been contacted and either live out of state, out of town or just plain don’t know how to proceed. And some of them are getting less than reliable or useful advice.
Oct 24, 2008
Oct 26, 2008
Oct 29, 2008
Oct 29, 2008
Nov 3, 2008
Nov 4, 2008