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  • Kimberly Miller

    Oh yes, it has been quite busy out here for over a year now, but some areas have tapered off, but for what reason, I don't know. We would love for you guys to come visit. Mark works now, so the only time we're ever home is in the evenings and on the weekends. Fossil Operating originally leased our mineral rights, but I believe it has been sold, but I'm not sure. I think they're in it with Chesapeake. I thought about contacting them, but I'm tempted to just hold out and wait until our lease expires in June '09, and pray they'll "forget about us" and want to offer us a renewal lease with real money this time. I literally get sick when I think about how they took advantage of us, and am seriously thinking about joining with those other folks in a lawsuit, suing them for fraud. My sister's recently deceased father-in-law was a geologist for years, and told us just before he died that everyone knew about the shale for years, but it was so big that it wasn't feasible at that time to go after leases, but now it is time. Thanks for the info about discussions and the website. I will have to check it out. So y'all had a lot of damage after the storm? We lost a lot of branches and some limbs, with a few more just hanging on, waiting to fall. Grrrr. Well, it is nighty-night time for me. Stay in touch. Love y'all!!
  • JHP

    Yes, there was a map attached. I just signed a lease last week for 20k bonus per acre and 25% royalty. Sorry, I do not know much about the area around Johns Gin Rd. My in-laws used to live on that road though.
  • Wanda

    What if they have drilled,but it is not on line and producing when the lease expires?