

Houston, TX

United States

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  • Dorcheated A1

    Hey Cookie,
    Is that you in the picture.
  • Dorcheated A1

    I didn't know they were still using those things.
  • Keith Mauck (Site Publisher)

    post some of your paintings when you get a you work with Green Peace?
  • Keith Mauck (Site Publisher)

    Great! We'll have a starving artist auction..after you come out of your box.
  • Dorcheated A1

    I'll be looking for that pic cookie, until then you stay out of trouble and tell your friend to stay out of trouble.
  • KT

    Mooncookie, you're a good egg.
  • Ann W.

    It's funny to watch how some people express their sudden anger in type. Thanks for your reply.-Ann
  • Mom A1

    Wow! I saw your photos. They were full of expression. Is YOUR pic a picture of you? Took me a while to figure it out.
  • Bobi Carr ("parker")

    Hi Mooncookie,

    I hope all is well with you.

    KB, Dorcheated and I are willing to help in any way needed.

    Are prayers go out to you.
  • mooncookie

    We are doing better than Lehman bros.

    Made it over the Sabine Pass around 5pm...good to be in LA!

    For a while there I thought we weren't even going to lose power...the opposite seems more likely, but thankful of my friends and family are ok and the support from y'all!

    The 3rd coasters must stick together, as we each get a chance at the wheel of missfortune!
  • Bill G

    Thank you!
  • mooncookie

    "I'm like stepping razor, you watch my size ...I'm dangerous, so dangerous"

    Peter Tosh (Mr. anything you can I do, but I can do it better... I'm the toughest)

    One of my favorite dredlocked artists!
  • mooncookie

    This is a drunken self-pic from my "fluffier days" ... the cropping is essential to the "arty-ness" and glamor... but here I was
  • mooncookie

    Perhaps, one day I might have a pug!

    I've got a big blonde SPCA rescue mutt named Maggie, she is a rather proper lass. I'll have to post a pic of her and my former sister in law.
  • mooncookie

    checkout this website:

    its cute!
  • Dorcheated A1

    Ok Cookie, is that you or another one of your friends.
  • mooncookie

    "(Sept. 19) - About 30 anti-Scientology protesters stood outside Katie Holmes' 'All My Sons' Broadway debut on Sept. 18. They used the publicity to voice their opinions about the dangers of Scientology, and weren't protesting Katie Holmes or her play. In fact, some were trying to save Katie from Scientology's grasp. While we aren't taking sides, some of the signs were quite funny!"
  • Antsu-in-Japan

    Thanks for the welcome, MC! I enjoy reading your posts, too. Stay well...
  • mooncookie

    More dred from NY:

    fascism is high on our 3rd world heels...
  • Iris

    I don't feel comfortable about making some comments out loud on this website..I would rather send them in an email, so....I will say this....I would vote for Bill Clinton again...I suspected he was an A the 1st time..but I figured he would vote more favorably on issues that I hold for Obama...I really approve of Joe Biden if he thinks Obama's okay I do. I like your term Bible beaters I feel they are beating others & me with it.
  • mooncookie

  • mooncookie

    I guess this is why she got her passport....
  • Keith Mauck (Site Publisher)

    Hey Mooncookie,

    I had to change my accepting of all photographs. I added a notification to the profile questions over the weekend. The site has gotten pretty expensive to serve. However, you can post these on your "my place," as I can see that you have already figured out...also so you should have a "text box" above this comment wall which allows you to upload them as well.
  • mooncookie

    I'm about to rip TATA Steel a new one......

    Those Indians over there must have taken a page of of France's book. Cause we all know when Grandma is out in the street throwing bricks.... revolution is in full swing.

    I wonder if we will ever get a reign of terror over here? Dare they tell us to 'eat cake' after the ethanol debacle...
  • Dorcheated A1

    I sincerly apologize for the nature of my attack. Having time to reflect upon it. I did have other avenue's to take before trying a shock jock approach. I did not exhaust them therefore not giving us a fair chance to work it out. I'm more than willing for the sake of this site and our mutual friends to put the whole episode behind us. And work out a solution that would be good for both of us.
  • Dorcheated A1

    Yeah Cookie,
    Was having a bad day. But you just made it good.
    Look forward to speaking with. Come on down for the party Saturday I'll buy you a couple of beers. Sorry again!!
  • mooncookie

    Here is a book for Oprah's book club:

    Free Lunch by David Cay Johnston...

    And some cartoons for everyone (more fun to read than my long-winded 'manifestos'

    Bush is sounding Presidential lately... I am very proud of him... it is a diluted version of FDR, but from a guy hoping to just slide out of the White House w/o doing the full 'bull in a China closet' routine.... I BELIEVE IN REDEMPTION FOR ALL!
  • Dorcheated A1

    That's too much love Cookie.
    Even, I have been pissed
    at Bush lately.
  • Bobi Carr ("parker")

    Cute picture Mooncookie. The other one made me want to tilt my head to look at it everythime I read one of your comments. This one won't give me a headache. Enjoy this beautiful weather.
  • mooncookie

    Have you guys heard about the parents dropping off their teens at hospitals....

    talk about giving up:
  • Dorcheated A1

    Girl, it sounds like the bull hit everything.
  • Cooter

    those are big sunglasses
  • Cooter

    Tell me, why do libs hate Dick Cheney so bad? He has a lesbian daughter whom he embraces.....he has made alot of money, but so have please tell me?
  • Bobi Carr ("parker")

    Hey Mooncookie,
    Just stopping in to say "hey". I hope you are doing well.
  • Skip Peel - Mineral Consultant

    mooncookie, you're just egging them on dear. Come back to the Shale where you belong. Skip
  • Skip Peel - Mineral Consultant

    mooncookie, I share many of your political persuasions. I stay out of the political topic discussions on the site because those participating seem incapable of having a civil debate about substantive issues. They are like mad dogs. And you like to kick their cage. Just makes them snarl more. Sometimes amusing but ultimately not much to show for it. I'd like to see more discussions on energy but politics would just get in the way. Maybe after the election ....... Regards, Skip
  • Martin

    All you need to add is really big ear bobs! Need a cat? I've got a Ike orphan -- got tossed out when her owners evacuated. Very sweet half grown female. Black with brown or toffee markings. Drives my other cats crazy -- they're all ten years old or more. Which is why I need to find her a new home. I live in Friendswood, so I could deliver straight to your door!
  • Martin

    Mooncookie --
    Reading your posts in the nuclear power thread -- interesting. But have you given any thought that there is a troll in the thread? Mamie the orphan is still available.
  • Martin

    MC --
    Watching the debate tonight? I think poor old McCain is getting desperate. You betcha!
  • Gas Baron

  • Martin

    MoonCookie --
    Damn! You're making me say something good about ol' John McCain. Bush, I'm convinced, is an utter coward. Also a spoiled little rich kid -- when he's not being a professional frat boy. McCain, despite his many short comings, did risk his life in the service of his country. Bush just took advantage of daddy's friends looking out for him-- went to the head of the list of more than 500 applicants for the Texas Air National Guard.

    A friend of mine, an ex USAF pilot - from back in the day -- the '60's has pointed out that McCain was a legacy admission to Annapolis. Dad and grandfather were graduates and Admirals. And the Navy really does take care of it's Admirals. Did McCain even apply for admission to other colleges. My friend also claims that McCain's first crashed air craft happened while he was in the Undergraduate Pilot program at Pensacola Navy Air Station. He claims that the review board found that pilot error was cause of the crash. The rule of thumb is that a pilot error crash in undergraduate pilot school, be it USAF or Navy, is grounds for AUTOMATIC dismissal from the program. Unless of course you're the off spring of a couple of Admirals. My friend also claims that McCains second crash had the air of pilot error about it. The third crash was primarily caused by a SAM. They will ruin your day. Come across any observations or comments about his accidents?

    As for last night, McCain was so agitated at times that he looked as if he were doing a lap dance while sitting on a porcupine. He was really telegraphing his anger. i have found several statements in the news media over the past several months that McCain has a personal dislike for Obama. Have you found any support for that? I think he's just afflicted with thwarted entitlement. Here he was sailing to his just reward and then this kid just pops up and looks to take it away. But then maybe I'm just reading too much into it.

    Mamie, the hurricane orphan is still available.
  • Dorcheated A1

    Hey Cookie,
    You and the Baron are just now friends.Oh no ,you two are gonna cause a lot of trouble.
  • Antsu-in-Japan

    Thanks for the encouraging words, Mooncookie! That was sweet of you...and really made my night (2:30am here now). Anyway, stay healthy, happy and blessed!!
  • Dorcheated A1

    Ok Cookie,
    Don't make yourself a stranger it get's boring with out you.
  • Martin

    Mooncookie --
    Was at the local Barns & Noble this Saturday and bought a copy of RS for the McCain article. Not very flattering. But i think you're being too kind. He looks to have sacrificed every principle he has for the sake of his ambition. I think he would be very dangerous as president. Worse than W. Mamie is still unadopted.....
  • Keith Mauck (Site Publisher)

    aren't strawberries out of season?
  • mooncookie

  • Antsu-in-Japan

    Hey Mooncookie-thought this would make your day:

  • Antsu-in-Japan

    Glad you liked it! Keep up the good work with school. All will work out in your favor. :-)
  • Martin

    Will send you a pix as soon as I figure out how to get my photographs from my camera to the laptop and then email....

    She is a sweetie though.. When I'm standing in front of washstand she will jump up and lean on my chest to give me head bumps ... she may actually be a needy cat...