

Shreveport, LA

United States

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Oil and Gas Professional

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  • insomniacnla

    Thank you again for responding. I have been getting the last few offers in writing. CHK wanted to see the last offer from the other company so I sent it to them right away. I believe that the reason the landman told me to sign or else was because he wanted to stop the offer/counter-offer senario that had been going on. I saw their point but it made me very distrustful of them. I know that I am in a very good area of northern DeSoto so maybe the CHK guy will re-think issue. Thanks again.
  • Catfish

    Randy, I have 1 acre in t18 r12 section 13. Has any of this section leased and would you have intrest?
  • Bobi Carr ("parker")

    Hi Randy,
    I have a question about mineral rights that I reserved about 7 years ago. Can I lease them only for 3 years or can I sign a 5 year lease with a 5 year extention and then if they prescribe before drilling the, then mineral owner would be subject to to terms of the lease that I have negotiated?
    I assume if the later is correct, I could sign the longer lease and possibly get a better bonus. I have only been contacted by Twin Cities. I will not deal with them whatsoever. Anyone who is misusing God's house doesn't get my business. I hope that you don't work for Twin Cities.
  • Catfish

    Could I ask what company are you representing?
  • Moe

    Am I understanding this independent agents' contract terms to mean that if at the point I terminate the contract or it expires that I must wait 180 days before I can sign with someone else?

    "No termination or expiration of this agreement shall impair Agent right of compensation with respect to a Mineral Lease which I have signed prior to the termination or expiration or that I may sign within 180 days after termination or expiration."
  • herefordsnshale

    Hey Randy I hate to ask a favor but I need some help, would you mind looking at the sonrise lite site, my land is located in Sec. 13 T11N R16W DeSoto Parish and explaining to me what happened with the two weels that show to be productive. Not being extrememly knowledgeable about drilling and well terminology I was having trouble following the information. I can tell two of the wells are plugged, but one just said omitted and another said shut in. KCS/ Petrohawk assured me (and my neighbors) in 2006 that everything had expired and that we owned the minerals and leased them. I haven't heard of any problems so I assume they are right I was just curious. Thanks a lot

    Chris (herefordsnshale)
  • TRG

    Randy, how long have you been with Twin Cities? Did you come from FW or get hired in Shreveport?
  • insomniacnla


    I hope that you don't mind but is Chesapeake using Paramount Energy out of Lafayette to help secure leases?
  • insomniacnla

    I forgot to add "Thank you for your help". :)
  • insomniacnla

    Thank you very much. Why didn't I think of that? LOL

    is there a way to let everyone know to add the township and range when discussing land? Thanks, sections #'s as you know, mean nothing on their own
  • frances harrel

  • Honors

    Randy, You are correct that many of us do not know how to read a section map. I am trying to learn to read the maps to determine my section, township, range. The closest numbers on the map to my location are T17NR13W4. Would you please tell me what this means? Is that my section, township, range? Thanks.
  • Honors

    Thank you! I can just ignore the NR and W.
  • insomniacnla


    Thanks for answering our questions on here. What does a landowner do if they do not feel comfortable with the landman they are dealing with for Chesapeake? Can the landowner for a new landman or would they just have to deal with it or lease with another company? I just don't care for having someone raise their voice at me because I did not want to sign a Notice of Intent. I have similar offers from XTO and Petrohawk but I would rather have Chesapeake but I don't care to deal with the same landman again. He even said that he was not going to tell me the offer unless I signed the Intent notice first.
  • insomniacnla

    Sorry, it was supposed to say "Can the landowner ASK for a new landman?". We have 26 acres.
  • kfly

    Randy, I have a question and maybe you can help me. I own a few acres next to Red River (sec 19, T19N, R13W). The river cuts thru that section. If there are royalties to be paid, how will that area under the river be handled? I would estimate that this section is approx 2/3 land and 1/3 river. Any insight would be appreciated.
  • carol

    Do you know if there is any activitiy in my area i am in Township 18 Range 14 Section 30 ? Also what o/g co. do you represent?
  • carol

    Oh that's weird. I got an offer two days ago from Twin Cities that's why i was wondering who you were with and if there were more landman in my area. Thanks though.
  • carol

    Ok Thanks!!! :o)
  • kfly

    I left you a comment below about how the land covered by the river is figured into the area of a section. Do you know anything about that?
  • kfly

    I don't know who owns the river bottom, Red River I'm talking about. Maybe the state owns it. I'm wondering if the state would participate in royalties? or would only the remaining owners in that section receive royalties?
  • kfly

    If you come across an answer, I'd like to know. I have five acres between the locations staked in the north part of section 19, T19N, R13W and a staked location in sect 30 (near Cash Point... all on the west side of Benton Rd.
  • Renee S Cd1

    Randy, we have thread titled "Clauses" in the Bossier Parish group and need some info about subordination clauses, can you chime in? A group of residents were told after signing that the funds would be going to their mortgage company. I really need to settle this question because I don't want to mislead anybody in my HOA. Thanks
  • Skyfroging

    Randy , may I ask you a question or an opinion on something please ?

  • Skyfroging

    If there is a well in your section...but it is a shallow well and not a unit well , (I believe was the description) That doesn't tie up anyone elses mineral rights in that section does it ? Everyone in the section "other" than the persons property the well is on is free to lease ...is that correct ? Thanks for any help in this...you seem very helpful on this forum and I appreciate it...
  • Skyfroging

    Also it seems it takes so long for this title to clear ... I would think since we leased our minerals to another company a few years ago ...everything should be fine wouldn't you think ? doesn't every oil and gas company that leases have to do a title and mineral search to make sure everything is clear ?
  • Skyfroging

    thank you very much ...thought that was correct but just making sure
  • crazycat

    You have been very helpful in answering my questions. I appreciate your input in this forum. Thanks Again!
  • Jayne Anne Smythe


    I am very interested in becoming a landman (I know that 10,000 people must be interested in the same thing in North LA right now!). I have experience in title and abstract work. I was wondering if you would mind giving me some advice, or at least pointing me in the right direction.
    I don't even know if it a feasible option-all of the information I have come across tells me that people are looking for "experienced landmen" only. I have been considering taking a landman course offered in Baton Rouge but would like more information before investing the $5000.00 course fee.
    I am a fast learner, love the courthouse work, am able to travel (I live in Central Louisiana) and I am not easily intimidated. I just don't know where to start.
    Would you mind giving me some advice?
    You can email me @ citizenjane28@yahoo.com.
    Thank you!
  • Christy

    I have heard that some landowners w/less than an acre have been paid the full per acre bonus. Example: One person supposedley was paid $5,500 for a 1/4 acre of land - offers in his area have been $5,500 for an acre. Can I believe this to be true?
  • Christy

    No this was a deal for one person who owned 1/4 acre and that was it. This "story" came from my brother-in-law who "knows" several people that have been able to negotiate this type of deal. Thanks for clearing that up for me!
  • Christy

    Yeah - brother in law is the guy who is in the "oil business", meaning he drives a truck to and from well sites!!! It's really hard for the hubby not to call bulls*** on him whenever he opens his mouth. Any idea why the offers in Southgate estates (South Bossier) aren't going up?
  • nicole


    I saw in a thread where you are leasing for central/north bossier. I attended an informational meeting for Twin Cities (@AHS) and vaguely remember looking at the map where they had a drill site highlighted. It was located off of Old Brownlee Rd. Can you give me more info on this? Does this mean that CHK will for sure drill there? Or this is just proposed?
  • SAM Cd2

    Hi Randy,
    I know you are very busy and I appreciate your knowledge and willingness to share. I was an early signer at $100 / acre - 20 acres. My property is on the south side of my section. Chesapeake is accessing the a new drilling site by a private road that separates my section from the drilling section. When you turn down the private road, the property to your left up to my driveway belongs to an estate and the property to your right belongs to a timber company up to even with my driveway where the property with the drilling site begins. Four families live down this road and we all live on the non drilling side. We are the ones who have maintained the road before Chesapeake moved in. Our leases give them right to ingress and egress, but do we have right to compensation for the inconvenience, the wear and tear on our vehicles, the noise, the dust, etc from Chesapeake. One more question is "How likely is it that Chesapeake will drill into our section from that site, since it is just across the dividing line of the 2 sections? If you can't answer, please direct me to someone who can help. Thanks, SAM
  • insomniacnla

    Well, it sounded like a good idea to me. LOL

    Thank you for answering.
  • Two Dogs, Pirate

    Randy, I am a lone wolf and don't belong to anything but me. If you are a young person then go for the certifications. That is my advice to my son. Things open up to CPLs, like jobs at the bank handeling mineral rights and in-house landmen. I am a field Landman and would not feel comfortable working in a corporate enviornment.
  • JW

    Randy, Do you have any idea why the big company would be slowing down in Sabine? If that's classified, I understand.
  • jecs

    We have leases in our area that are held in production. The well went almost 6 years without production. Would that be enough to break the lease?
  • kfly

    Are you still working North Bossier parish area?
  • kfly

    You once told me that you were working North Bossier, north of I-220. Are you aware there will be a rig moving in at Cash Point next week?
  • kfly

    Since you had worked N Bossier, thought you might be interested. I've been told that after this well, they will move north to sect 19 (that's my section) and drill a HS vertical test.
  • Mom A1


    What does the law state production is?
  • Mom A1

    Well, I suppose that is good news! Just one more dumb question from Mom....

    What if depths are not specified in a lease but you know they are concentrating in the CV?
  • Mom A1


    Randy, I cannot believe that they can legally get people to sign leases like this. I signed out of young stupidity. I'll accept that...but I wonder how many others are doing it blindly. Sorry your friends in O&G are not such nice people. Hard to believe you are one of them. Thanks for the help.
  • Mom A1

    You're right...we don't live in China....Thank God!
  • louisiana lady


    You left a question for me on 6/30 and I apologize for not getting back, I just checked my page. My only problem with Twin Cities was the reduction in bonus offer with reduction in percentage of signed leases. I felt this put pressure on those who were uncertain about signing leases since they felt they could be letting down and affecting their neighbors. If someone is uncertain, they need to wait to sign a lease. This involved my commercial property on North Market St. I have been involved with Manna on my Cross Lake properties.
  • Renee S Cd1

    Randy, I have a group from Sabine Parish, Toledo Bend Lake Assoc., wants someone to come talk to them, do you know what's going on there? Can you holler at me - rstrange@att.net
  • Keith Mauck (Site Publisher)

    Was wondering if you knew whether or not this new watchdog inner city org headed up by the attorney named Larry is not for profit or not?
  • billy

    Hi Randy, In ref to your statement about a well close to me in section 25 T14 R10...I know it was some time ago, but are we getting close. Thanks