Hi Keith,
Just to let you know- the Office of Conservation will have a booth at the LOGA Gulf Coast Prospect and Shale Expo to be held at the Shreveport Convention Center on October 21-22, 2009. We will have a live internet feed and will be demonstrating the many capabilities of our SONRIS System and answering questions from attendees. I will be there also, so I hope to meet you and other shalers. Best regards.
Jim Welsh, Commissioner of Conservation
I'll be happy to pitch in on occasion. I did listen to a talk by Ron Berman to the local SIPES group this week. He seems concerned about estimated shale decline curves and claims that he has examined 2,000 wells in the Fayetteville and Barnett plays. His conclusion is that reserves are being overstated and hence F&D costs are being understated. Is anybody blogging on that topic?
Where would be the best place to post this question. If you do not sign a lease due to unfair sign up bonuses and they force pool you, what are you opening yourself up to? Also if you do not sign and they drill a well, I asume you forfeit the lease bonus but you get 100% of your part of the well after company has paid for well expenses, right? I heard that oil company can put your royalties on hold for a long time. Thanks
I just joined the group a few days ago and find it interesting. I live away from my property and was just informed that a rig was put up in the section my land is in. I was told it went up last week? Is there anyway to find out for sure? My land is in T15N,R9W, Section 34. I was also told that they're planning on placing 3 rigs in the section? If this is true, is there anyway to get an estimate, best guess, and when it my start producing and how much it may payout? My land is 5 acres. I appreciate any help you can give me. I have no idea on these things and want to ensure the family gets treated fairly.
Charles Woodard
I found it - approximately 15 seconds after asking for directions!! LOL! Those little graphics are all cute. I ordered 1,000 credits and have already spent all but maybe four or five.
Thanks. The lease was 4+ two optional years, both of which were exercised at the same time. I believe there is a little over a year left. I assume that if they're ever going to drill they will do it in that time because our lease was a real bargain for them.
Also, do you know how to determine the physical location of a lease? I have no idea where this property is. It was something my mother inherited from a first cousin.
Thanks for your intro comments. Sorry took so long to say this.
I have sold a o and g lease on 60 acre tract in Union Parish....in
w3/4 sesw sec.13 and e3/4 nenw sec 24,t22n-r1e .....I had hoped
to get some comments from some of the other members....I did
hear from 2 individuals.
The lease broker was Manna Acquisitions......leasing for Weiser Brown.
Any comments would be appreciated.
I am recently retired from real estate business and am interested in being
involved in row or landman work. Advice also appreciated.
Thanks......Jim Burgess
On November 4th you left a blog for a Field Represenatative Manager for Chesapeake. I have applied for this job probably 10 times in the last year. I have went through Chesapeake's website, through a hiring firm called Swift Oil and Gas, and have even drove to Shreveport to try and meet with someone about this job. I have got no responses from the applications I filled out on their site. The firm I went through told me I was one of 4 people being considered for the job, I tried to follow up for the months following but they finally quit returning my phone call and emails. I met with a man at the Shreveport office named Kevin McCotter and he put me in touch with a field recruiter named Tim Dehan, he told me I was highly qualified for the position and would be in touch shortly, but again I can now get no response from the field recruiter. I have ample experience in the fields they are looking for but cant even get so much as an interview with Chesapeake. I last made contact with the field recruiter on October 16 and on October 22 they relisted the job. I feel as though it is a matter of who you know not what you know. I guess my question to you is. do you know anyone at Chesapeake that may be able to help me? I have been out of work for about 4 months and am willing to go to work anywhere doing any kind of land work. Any help or leads would be greatly appreciated.
Brian Holman
Keith, it looks like I will have limited access to the site for the unforeseen future. Starting late Friday or Saturday morning whenever I access from my laptop the page just freezes. Seems to be some type of script issue for my laptop as the hourglass pops up and just stays.
I can still access from home desktop but that limits access considerably.
Keith, thanks for your comment back. I have problems both when I am docked and when I use a wireless connection. I only have problems with GHS and it occurs on every page on the site.
I will just have to see if I can sort it out but have no idea when I will be able to access GHS again.
A barrel of oil? Are you making fun of my cooking? LOL! The next thing will probably be a henhouse - I'm using eggs today like they were going out of style!
I certainly hope you and your family have a wonderful Thanksgiving. This one will be different, you'll miss Dennis terribly but somehow the years do seem to heal our broken hearts to a great degree. Right now I'm a little sad remembering how crazy big family get-togethers used to be here - but we make new traditions now.
Keith, Do you know who has the Drilling consulting contract with Encana?
I have been in Algeria, Russia and Saudi as a Rig manager the last few years and begging for work at home.
Hi Keith: I'm just checking in from time to time to update myself on what is going on in Bossier Parish. I am really out of touch with all happenings. I am a lobbyist in Baton Rouge. I know Don Briggs with LIOGA and most of the other oil & gas lobbyist. When I see them at the capitol I ask questions about Haynesville Shale. My siblings and I inherited 11 acres in Bossier Parish when my Mother died. Her husband has usfructs til death. We have not been able to agree on any proposals because of his indifference to Mother's will. I wish there was a way to get around him but doesn't look good unless the old guy get greedy for money. Thanks for all of the information you put out. It is the only info I understand on the site. I'm not really a chit chatter so I don't blog often. I'll keep reading and you keep fighting the good fight for the benefit of all. Thanks again, Bre Noland
There is an interesting article on the front page of the Fort Worth Star-Telegram this morning about the residents of Dish in Denton County being tested for toxic chemicals due to the activity in the Barnett Shale. I will try to post a link, but I am not sure I know how. I am new to oil and gas and to linking on a computer. http://www.star-telegram.com/news/story/1841854.html
I am in need of a landman to perform a current owner search in Natchitoches Parish, LA as soon as possible. Do you know anyone who would want to do this?
I can be reached at 800-687-9030 or michelle@crrginc.com. Thank you for your site. Michelle Henri
do you have a caddo parish township link on this website. i'm in Texas and i can't determine a location when people us terms such as T 4 13N 12W as an example. thanks jhh
My brother in law sent me a map of the parishes with sections broken down. I think this would be useful. i want to email it to you. What is the address?
Hi Keith: Sorry for not getting back to you timely. The holidays were busy for some of us. Thank you for your comments and knowledge of the workings in the Shale. It is always nice to know someone who has their finger on the pulse. I've been lobbying for 25 years. Presently, I represent a statewide organization of Louisiana School Psychologist and the Nationally Certified School Psychologist. In the late 80's & early 90's I shared the Baton Rouge office with the director of LAIPRO, which is now LIOGA. I was the liason to the Orleans Parish Criminal Sheriff-Charles Foti, Jr. When he was elected State Attorney General, I went to work for the Louisiana Center for Law & Civic Education. Three years after Katrina the center moved their offices back to New Orleans and ended my job so I went back to lobbying again. I see all of the operators at the capitol during session and still know some of them from the early days. LIOGA is a tight knit group mostly from Lafayette and the Southwest area. You may know Don Briggs the director. You should contact him and see if he has anything to add to your blog. He is in a position to know of coming events that your readers may be interested in. I was invited to attend LIOGA's legislative function for the legislature at the Pentagon last year. I met a lot of the production company representatives, including Chesapeak and XTO. Their meeting the previous day was in reference to the Haynesville Shale, which the public was not invited. Let me know if you need any information from the capitol area. I'll do what I can. Our family conflict has not been resolved and doesn't look like it will be anytime soon. We are missing out on the activity in Bosier Parish. I can only hope we will benefit when the second coming of the money is being poured into the area. I believe it is coming and bigger than before. Thanks again. Brenda
Jack Blake has been contacted by Mustang Engineering; a firm working for Encana. They may want to run a P/L on edge of Jack's land. They say they try to keep it as close to the edge of property as necessary so they take as little property as necessary.
Jack's land is in Sec 21 T 10 N - R 11 W.
-The P/L would go down a 750' side of my land that has a Sabine Parish maintained dirt road frontage all down that 750' side of the land.
-I don't know what size of P/L it would be (maybe this 8" you speak of).
-I have minerals leased to Chesapeake and Encana said that has nothing to do with this P/L ROW deal they may want to make.
-I gave permission to survey and they have surveyed and put up flags on about 1-9-10. Encana wants a ROW for an Encana P/L.
Jack did pretty good on the original mineral 3 yr lease to Chesapeake(lease good for another 1.5 years and my section has been made a production unit by SWEPI LP but so far no well planned on SONRIS).
Q 1 What is fair compensation for this ROW deal? $/foot in length or how is it figured?
Q 2 Is it a perpetual never ending lease and a one time pay out to me or money every so many years?
Q 3 What specifice do I need to put in the deal?
Q-4 What else do I need to know?? Maybe I need to know the size of P/L and volume they plan to flow thru it to make my deal?
Q-5 Where can I do more research?
I do want the ROW on my land and I want to be compensated fairly, but I don't want to demand to much and scare them away from my land.
Help a brother out howled Jack Blake!!!
Long live the HS!!!!!
Oust Obama---Keith for President cried Jack Blake!!!!!
Thanks so much for developing the site. It's been so helpful to many of us. One question about printing out pages or answers that I want to keep for future reference---is there a way to do that without printing all the ads and other stuff on the page? Maybe I've overlooked those instructions. Thanks again.
80P I DON"T want to be "here is an example!!!" You be "here is an example." Or one of the other numerous blogs that have had successful posts can be "here is an example." Or make an example out of Skip or Dorcheated.
Yes everything is looking good for the Haynesville Shale. Thank you and all for what you do here on the web site and Hello to all. Semper Fi, jim edwards
Am posting message to you here because I couldn't get thru the mail page at mail@gohaynesvilleshale.com.
I've mailed you checks and ad copy for housing in Bentonville. Here too is the ad copy:
Lux duplex apartments Bentonville 3/2-1/2 bed/bath underpriced. Ideal for Shale community otherwise this goldmine of a housing development will go straight back to the developer and bank. Ad by owner Kerelaw. Manager Hutchinson (479) 855-9037. www.duplex-for-rent-bentonville-ar.com.
Please send me the e-newsletter.
Thank you,
Ronald K.
Has anyone reported tech. problems with GHS lately? Mine may be browser specific (haven't compared firefox or IE) because I use Opera, but I have been having some problems lately. My impression is that the site responsiveness slows down more lately and takes quite a bit longer to load up. I have suspicions about the user graphic below the menus that shows each user's icon. Lately I have also been having problems with clicking on links on the front page and being taken to user home pages (users who are currently logged on). Possibly another indication of problems with the cooliris style user icon scripted display. It's pretty but I could certainly do without it. Unfortunately Opera does not seem to have the ability to just turn off 1 script/graphic or I would have already done that to the icon display script. Opera seems to just be able to turn all scripts or none.
In any event, love GHS. It has been and continues to be very useful. Particular thanks to you and the participants on these discussions for keeping the politics and pissing matches for the most part off of the shale topic discussions.
In answer to your Mar 31 post -- I sent the check to American Energy Communications, P.O. Box 209, Manassas, VA 20108. Two cks $150.00, one postdated to Jul 30. Please give me a phone number. When will the post be published? Thank you.
thanx, keith. just trying to learn the ropes, as i have a feeling this is something i'm going to be dealing with for years to come. i appreciate all the answers and advice people have left.
Keith, I am busy working in Southwest Louisiana T6S-R9W. I got sick of sitting behind the computer running records in DeSoto Parish for over a year and have just wanted to get away for a while. Beauregard Parish is not online and is not full of people. At least I get some exercise pulling books again and visiting with the folks is always nice.
ur dern tootin'
Just to let you know- the Office of Conservation will have a booth at the LOGA Gulf Coast Prospect and Shale Expo to be held at the Shreveport Convention Center on October 21-22, 2009. We will have a live internet feed and will be demonstrating the many capabilities of our SONRIS System and answering questions from attendees. I will be there also, so I hope to meet you and other shalers. Best regards.
Jim Welsh, Commissioner of Conservation
Oct 19, 2009
Oct 22, 2009
Eric N. Smith
Oct 22, 2009
Larry Lafitte
Oct 22, 2009
Thank you for GHS.com and a special community of online friends - I enjoy every minute I spend here.
Oct 22, 2009
Charles E. Woodard
I just joined the group a few days ago and find it interesting. I live away from my property and was just informed that a rig was put up in the section my land is in. I was told it went up last week? Is there anyway to find out for sure? My land is in T15N,R9W, Section 34. I was also told that they're planning on placing 3 rigs in the section? If this is true, is there anyway to get an estimate, best guess, and when it my start producing and how much it may payout? My land is 5 acres. I appreciate any help you can give me. I have no idea on these things and want to ensure the family gets treated fairly.
Charles Woodard
Oct 24, 2009
Michael Brown
Oct 26, 2009
Oct 27, 2009
Frank F Douglas
Thanks. The lease was 4+ two optional years, both of which were exercised at the same time. I believe there is a little over a year left. I assume that if they're ever going to drill they will do it in that time because our lease was a real bargain for them.
Also, do you know how to determine the physical location of a lease? I have no idea where this property is. It was something my mother inherited from a first cousin.
Oct 27, 2009
Thanks for your intro comments. Sorry took so long to say this.
I have sold a o and g lease on 60 acre tract in Union Parish....in
w3/4 sesw sec.13 and e3/4 nenw sec 24,t22n-r1e .....I had hoped
to get some comments from some of the other members....I did
hear from 2 individuals.
The lease broker was Manna Acquisitions......leasing for Weiser Brown.
Any comments would be appreciated.
I am recently retired from real estate business and am interested in being
involved in row or landman work. Advice also appreciated.
Thanks......Jim Burgess
Oct 27, 2009
Bill Goins
Oct 30, 2009
Nov 11, 2009
Bobi Carr ("parker")
Thanks for the birthday wishes.
Nov 15, 2009
Brian Holman
On November 4th you left a blog for a Field Represenatative Manager for Chesapeake. I have applied for this job probably 10 times in the last year. I have went through Chesapeake's website, through a hiring firm called Swift Oil and Gas, and have even drove to Shreveport to try and meet with someone about this job. I have got no responses from the applications I filled out on their site. The firm I went through told me I was one of 4 people being considered for the job, I tried to follow up for the months following but they finally quit returning my phone call and emails. I met with a man at the Shreveport office named Kevin McCotter and he put me in touch with a field recruiter named Tim Dehan, he told me I was highly qualified for the position and would be in touch shortly, but again I can now get no response from the field recruiter. I have ample experience in the fields they are looking for but cant even get so much as an interview with Chesapeake. I last made contact with the field recruiter on October 16 and on October 22 they relisted the job. I feel as though it is a matter of who you know not what you know. I guess my question to you is. do you know anyone at Chesapeake that may be able to help me? I have been out of work for about 4 months and am willing to go to work anywhere doing any kind of land work. Any help or leads would be greatly appreciated.
Brian Holman
Nov 16, 2009
Les Bamburg
I can still access from home desktop but that limits access considerably.
Nov 16, 2009
Les Bamburg
I will just have to see if I can sort it out but have no idea when I will be able to access GHS again.
Nov 19, 2009
Kathy Morgan
Nov 23, 2009
I certainly hope you and your family have a wonderful Thanksgiving. This one will be different, you'll miss Dennis terribly but somehow the years do seem to heal our broken hearts to a great degree. Right now I'm a little sad remembering how crazy big family get-togethers used to be here - but we make new traditions now.
Nov 25, 2009
Robert Pickle
I have been in Algeria, Russia and Saudi as a Rig manager the last few years and begging for work at home.
thank you
Robert Pickle
Dec 5, 2009
Bre Noland
Dec 15, 2009
Dec 16, 2009
Dec 19, 2009
Stan Grimm
Dec 22, 2009
William Gardner
Dec 23, 2009
Michelle Henri
I am in need of a landman to perform a current owner search in Natchitoches Parish, LA as soon as possible. Do you know anyone who would want to do this?
I can be reached at 800-687-9030 or michelle@crrginc.com. Thank you for your site. Michelle Henri
Dec 29, 2009
do you have a caddo parish township link on this website. i'm in Texas and i can't determine a location when people us terms such as T 4 13N 12W as an example. thanks jhh
Dec 29, 2009
Anita Goodson
My brother in law sent me a map of the parishes with sections broken down. I think this would be useful. i want to email it to you. What is the address?
Anita Goodson
Jan 2, 2010
Bre Noland
Jan 5, 2010
Jack Blake
Jack's land is in Sec 21 T 10 N - R 11 W.
-The P/L would go down a 750' side of my land that has a Sabine Parish maintained dirt road frontage all down that 750' side of the land.
-I don't know what size of P/L it would be (maybe this 8" you speak of).
-I have minerals leased to Chesapeake and Encana said that has nothing to do with this P/L ROW deal they may want to make.
-I gave permission to survey and they have surveyed and put up flags on about 1-9-10. Encana wants a ROW for an Encana P/L.
Jack did pretty good on the original mineral 3 yr lease to Chesapeake(lease good for another 1.5 years and my section has been made a production unit by SWEPI LP but so far no well planned on SONRIS).
Q 1 What is fair compensation for this ROW deal? $/foot in length or how is it figured?
Q 2 Is it a perpetual never ending lease and a one time pay out to me or money every so many years?
Q 3 What specifice do I need to put in the deal?
Q-4 What else do I need to know?? Maybe I need to know the size of P/L and volume they plan to flow thru it to make my deal?
Q-5 Where can I do more research?
I do want the ROW on my land and I want to be compensated fairly, but I don't want to demand to much and scare them away from my land.
Help a brother out howled Jack Blake!!!
Long live the HS!!!!!
Oust Obama---Keith for President cried Jack Blake!!!!!
Jan 11, 2010
Norman J. Cone III
Jan 12, 2010
Jan 13, 2010
Thanks so much for developing the site. It's been so helpful to many of us. One question about printing out pages or answers that I want to keep for future reference---is there a way to do that without printing all the ads and other stuff on the page? Maybe I've overlooked those instructions. Thanks again.
Jan 14, 2010
Skip Peel - Mineral Consultant
Jan 15, 2010
Jan 19, 2010
Cary Jerome Marston Huff
Jan 28, 2010
Jan 30, 2010
Jim Edwards
Feb 2, 2010
Feb 2, 2010
Tia Evans
Feb 15, 2010
Glenn E. Camus
Feb 19, 2010
Thanks ,for starting and maintaining
Feb 23, 2010
Mike Tomlin
Sent me a friend request asking I e-mail her @ "veronicaconte_01@live.com".
Google that e-mail address. It appears to be SPAM. Thanks!
Mar 3, 2010
Glenda Simmons
Mar 22, 2010
Ronald Kurylowicz
Am posting message to you here because I couldn't get thru the mail page at mail@gohaynesvilleshale.com.
I've mailed you checks and ad copy for housing in Bentonville. Here too is the ad copy:
Lux duplex apartments Bentonville 3/2-1/2 bed/bath underpriced. Ideal for Shale community otherwise this goldmine of a housing development will go straight back to the developer and bank. Ad by owner Kerelaw. Manager Hutchinson (479) 855-9037.
Please send me the e-newsletter.
Thank you,
Ronald K.
Mar 22, 2010
Has anyone reported tech. problems with GHS lately? Mine may be browser specific (haven't compared firefox or IE) because I use Opera, but I have been having some problems lately. My impression is that the site responsiveness slows down more lately and takes quite a bit longer to load up. I have suspicions about the user graphic below the menus that shows each user's icon. Lately I have also been having problems with clicking on links on the front page and being taken to user home pages (users who are currently logged on). Possibly another indication of problems with the cooliris style user icon scripted display. It's pretty but I could certainly do without it. Unfortunately Opera does not seem to have the ability to just turn off 1 script/graphic or I would have already done that to the icon display script. Opera seems to just be able to turn all scripts or none.
In any event, love GHS. It has been and continues to be very useful. Particular thanks to you and the participants on these discussions for keeping the politics and pissing matches for the most part off of the shale topic discussions.
Mar 27, 2010
Ronald Kurylowicz
In answer to your Mar 31 post -- I sent the check to American Energy Communications, P.O. Box 209, Manassas, VA 20108. Two cks $150.00, one postdated to Jul 30. Please give me a phone number. When will the post be published? Thank you.
Ronald Kurylowicz
Apr 1, 2010
Apr 20, 2010
Apr 20, 2010
Apr 20, 2010
Two Dogs, Pirate
Apr 22, 2010