Do you think they are ever going to drill a horizontal into the Smackover? Can you drill a horizontal and frac in a formation which has a lot of oil and still have production?
It seems like it would be great if they could put a horizontal in a Smackover and see what happens. Then again it's not my $10million I'm putting up to see if it works:) I'll stay on top of that well you mentioned.
thank you so much for your info! its very much appreciated. :) I am the informer for my family...LoL and I am not well informed!! So thank you again for your help. just let me know whatever you can whenever you can. again thanks!
Mr. Sanders, you and I have only talked once, but I have seen your comments on the site, and appreciate your input. Happy Birthday, and wish you many, many ,more. r
Hope all is well with you. I see you on the site everywhere.
Question for you, would explain the difference in MMcf and MMcfe? I see that Boe: barrel of oil (one barrel of oil equals 6,000 cubic feet of natural gas) and Mmcfe: one million cubic feet of natural gas equivalent
But what is the relation to Mmcf: one million cubic feet of natural gas. Is there a 6,000 conversion factor in there somewhere?
Also where the loss between gross and net? In CHK presentation they state "Current net production of ~50 mmcfe/day (~65 mmcfe/day gross)" Are they leaking 15mmcfe/day?
Let's get together and have breakfast again, how about this next Friday 10/24?
I'm not sure of the Township and Range of my parents land. I believe it is in Section 19 & 20 but not sure---will find out. It is in three different places. Most of it is on the Dorcheat Rd. in Minden. There is also about 53 acres down the Lorex Rd (not sure about that spelling) which is very close to the S. Cotton Valley Field where Will-Drill just drilled.
The wealth of knowledge and experience that you have come a distant second place to who you are as an individual. It was pure pleasure meeting you in person and being able to chat face to face with you and the others.And simply an honor to be listed as a friend with the people surrounding that table. God Bless and have a great day.
Aubrey, if we do not own 100% mineral rights, but are executors to lease, then is this scenario legal: Arkansas/We were offered 1/8th RI and then an Assignment of 1/16 Override. That would give us more revenue, but it would cheat the non-participants out of revenue. Is this practiced in Ark. and is it legal? In Texas, the non-participants can sue the executors of the mineral rights over this. I hope I have explained it correctly, this is how I understood it. Thanks!
Aubrey, if we do not own 100% mineral rights, but are executors to lease, then is this scenario legal: Arkansas/We were offered 1/8th RI and then an Assignment of 1/16 Override. That would give us more revenue, but it would cheat the non-participants out of revenue. Is this practiced in Ark. and is it legal? In Texas, the non-participants can sue the executors of the mineral rights over this. I hope I have explained it correctly, this is how I understood it. Thanks!
Thank you for your response. Boy, I have caused a stir posting that "Is it legal but not ethical or what?" I don't have the rights to sign on behalf of all the royalty interest owners, we are each contacted separately by the landman. I believe it was proposed to him from someone he approached to lease it this way. He (Landman) agreed. When I asked him about it he didn't know after I found out it was illegal in Texas, he didn't know. Either way, I'm not going to sign the Assignment of Override and just deal with him on the Oil and Gas Lease. I'll send you an invite so I can e-mail you the location and landman. Thanks!
I have not been on site for a while, so I have got some catching up to do. I have been remise in not thanking all of you who were at our little get together a few months back. I do appreciate the kind comments and would like meet again sometimes. Thanks to all of you who made this happen last time.
I plan to be in Springhill area for about 2 weeks starting on 2/18.
Perhaps I will see some of you then.
I guess you couldn't help, but get caught up in the Super Bowl excitement there!! I can only imagine since Iived there during the "Suns" big days! We loved all the hype!
Just dropping by to say hello. Have one "shale" of a day. Also, there some new profile questions. Check those out by clicking HERE. We are also coming up on our 10,000th member. Be sure to celebrate with me. Click HERE for more about that.
Guess you're about to hit La. in a couple of days. Driving or flying? If you get a chance, see if you're interested in Leasing from me. I don't know if there's any activity there, but Hunter says he has about 80% of the leases. I don't know if I believe him or not.
Do you know an Alan Riddle from Atlanta Exploration? I was given his name to see if anything was going on in Columbia Co., Ark.
Hey Aubrey! I haven't been on here in months! Have you heard of anything in Columbia Co., Ark? Christopher Smith contacted me the other day, making it sound like I was the only one who have not sent in the lease. I told him I wanted the 25% RI and not the 1/16 RI plus 1/8 OR. He said they couldn't afford to do that and told me good luck.
I haven't seen you on-line in a while. Just wanted to drop by and say "hi". I hope everything is going well for you. My son and I ate at Superior the other day and it made me think about your visit. I hadn't ever been there before that even though I've lived here for almost 20 years.
Thanks for your comments! The Packards are gorgeous cars, I have seen some real beauties at auctions. Do you remember the model of yours?
The Studebakers are interesting cars too. I just saw a 58 Packard Hawk, rare car, only 588 made! Was based on the Studebaker Golden Hawk, but supercharged!
I have not been to the Barrett Jackson auction in AZ, but I am going to the one in Vegas in Oct. I am excited about that!
I agree about hiring an attorney for the gas lease, gads, it was complicated! I never sign anything I don't understand!
Hello Aubrey...I live in Prescott and its hard to understand after signing the lease and finding out we could have held out a little longer. After looking around this site it seems like we needed a lawyer before signing. Ive never been to Texas but the mineral rights have been in the family forever. San Augustine......Z Redmond Survey A-36 is what the location is.How does this work? I signed lease...EOG paid 200 or so an acre......only 43.5 ac..then do i know if they have started any work on the property? ughh, Thanks for understanding. :)
Hi I would like to know if you could help me? I own land in in Leon county Texas but live in Fl. I pay my taxes etc. I see that they are about 5 miles from centerville TX Drilling can you help me find out more. Any help would be highly appreciated Phil
Looks like King John has the same thoughts on GOM problems. Solutions from unlikely sources. The tragedy of the spill may lead to all sorts of innovations. Glad there are people like you who listen to ideas from people who aren't necessarily knowledgeable in the field. I guess you never know what might spark a great idea.
good morning aubrey, i was looking for your HELP SAVE OUR GULF AND ITS BEACHES discussion. i had a couple of ideas as well as i had read about others having the same trouble as you... getting your ideas considered. i wonder if contacting a news agency to do an expose on BP's unwillingness to consider outside help and ideas would garner any attention. BTW- actor kevin costner went before congress yesterday to pitch some kind of a water cleaning machine he has. i guess if you were a movie star aubrey... just kidding, kind of. let me know where the discussion is and i will post there.
I don't know Mr. Campbell, but I've been a fan for a long time. He appears to be someone who doggedly fights for whats right. As Skip said, rare indeed.
My son is also working on "ideas" for stopping the flow.
It's amazing how tragedies can have lifelong influence and can lead to good.
Hopefully this will be one of those things than influence him and many other kiddos to learn more about science and engineering and go on to apply that knowledge in the future.
Aubrey, I do not know if there is a connection to the state line development activity but I find a recent conveyance filed in Bossier Parish of interest. A large transaction by a mid major and a large land/mineral owner corp. I'll ask that you keep this information under wraps for the time being but suggest that you review Instrument #407163 in Webster. The same conveyance is recorded in Claiborne as #250740. Please note the effective date and the date filed of record. Regards, Skip
Aubrey. I am unaware if there are remote accounts available for Webster and Claiborne. I have them for most of the parishes in the HS play. It may be that you have to go by the court house to view the conveyance document however that may be a moot point as North LA and J T Green have already begun a search for the conveyance document after poaching the instrument number from your personal page. LOL!
If Aubrey was concerned about the security of the information on his page, he would have changed his privacy setting. I don't know if he considers his page to be "public" or not however as that is up to him. I am not suggesting that the conveyance I reference is definitely pertinent to the activity in N. LA./S. AR. but I do think it is worth looking in to. The scuttle butt up that way seems to focus on CHK and EOG. I think that XTO and Devon are just as likely to be interested/involved as not. Good Luck.
Aubrey and I have already talked about the possible players and I have a good friend who is a landman for a pipeline company who told me the same players so we kind of figured it out. I appologize for taking information you wanted to keep private. It was wrong and sneeky and I should of passed it by you first. Sorry for not respecting your private conversation with Aubrey.
Yes, I'm pretty strict, too. But no rulers except for measuring. No paddles, hardly any consequences for misbehavior. Definitely a big change since I was in school. I've taught for about 25 years .... and definitely a big difference in how behavior is handled.......a pat on the back and student is told that "You know that is not appropriate, please don't do that again." And, yes, the behavior (bad) continues. Can hardly wait to retire. Wish things would work out so that I could retire. There's always tomorrow and the dreams that go along with it, Right?
Hey Mr. Sanders,
We are having a mineral Chalybeat Springs mineral owners meeting in Magnolia on August 9th,7pm.If you are in town,consider this an invitation to attend.I think there will be owners from both units there and might help you make some new contacts to help in your efforts to break up the Horsehead unit.I have talk to over 15 of the mineral owners since receiving the list from my atty yesterday and the response has been 100% positive.Good luck and hope to see you there.
Hey Mr. Sanders,
I'm glad you are going to try to attend.Please send me your cell phone #,so I can call you when I get there.I plan on arriving on the 8th.My cell is 270-978-8432.See you in a couple of weeks.Oh yeah,3 more people came aboard with our efforts this morning.The only person who has refused was an atty in Magnolia,who also has a WI.He always was an A******* anyway!!!
Aubrey, I recently glanced at a unit application for the Baker Lime on the commissioner's public hearing schedule thought it was interesting and went on my Haynesville Shale merry way. Now I'm trying to help a friend with minerals along the state line in your neck of the woods. Would you know anything about the Baker Lime or the unit application? Regards, Skip
Aubrey, when you mentioned that this was likely a small, restricted prospect it made me think that I might have seen it somewhere other than in your area. After thinking of where I have researched the last two weeks, I remembered that the unit application was in the Grand Cane Field as the Ferrara's whom I testified for in their suit against Questar are included in the unit. If you would care to see a Baker Lime unit app, here is the link:
I don't know Clifton but I'm pretty sure we're related, how old are you? I'm 55, moved from Shreveport to NJ in 1986. Ny dad had 9 brothers and sisters.
Mr. Sanders, we own land in the Horsehead field ,our property lines touch the northeast of yours . Our family has been offered a lease of our mineral rights, which led me to do research and find this website. What would be a fair price for these rights? You can contact me here on my page or my cell 870-918-2134. Thanks, Tim Sewell
North LA
Sep 20, 2008
old as dirt
Sep 20, 2008
North LA
Sep 20, 2008
Sep 22, 2008
Har C2
Sep 23, 2008
Bobi Carr ("parker")
Sep 26, 2008
Tom Bennett
Sep 27, 2008
Snake Stewart
Oct 13, 2008
Hope all is well with you. I see you on the site everywhere.
Question for you, would explain the difference in MMcf and MMcfe? I see that Boe: barrel of oil (one barrel of oil equals 6,000 cubic feet of natural gas) and Mmcfe: one million cubic feet of natural gas equivalent
But what is the relation to Mmcf: one million cubic feet of natural gas. Is there a 6,000 conversion factor in there somewhere?
Also where the loss between gross and net? In CHK presentation they state "Current net production of ~50 mmcfe/day (~65 mmcfe/day gross)" Are they leaking 15mmcfe/day?
Let's get together and have breakfast again, how about this next Friday 10/24?
Best Regards,
Oct 19, 2008
Okay how about your favorite spot for breakfast around 7:30 AM? I will call you on Thursday to confirm.
Best Regards,
Oct 22, 2008
I'm not sure of the Township and Range of my parents land. I believe it is in Section 19 & 20 but not sure---will find out. It is in three different places. Most of it is on the Dorcheat Rd. in Minden. There is also about 53 acres down the Lorex Rd (not sure about that spelling) which is very close to the S. Cotton Valley Field where Will-Drill just drilled.
Oct 31, 2008
Nov 9, 2008
Bobi Carr ("parker")
I just wanted to let you know that I enjoyed meeting you Sunday. I just wish you could have met K.B.
Nov 10, 2008
Snake Stewart
Nov 13, 2008
Nov 14, 2008
Nov 22, 2008
Nov 23, 2008
Aubrey C. Sanders, Jr.
I plan to be in Springhill area for about 2 weeks starting on 2/18.
Perhaps I will see some of you then.
Have I lost my mind coming to LA in Feb?
Jan 29, 2009
Well, Mardi Gras rolls the end of Feb. (the 24th) this year. Ergo, the "blues" probably -- probably -- won't set in until after Fat Tuesday, cher.
Jan 30, 2009
Feb 11, 2009
Keith Mauck (Site Publisher)
Feb 13, 2009
Do you know an Alan Riddle from Atlanta Exploration? I was given his name to see if anything was going on in Columbia Co., Ark.
Feb 16, 2009
Bobi Carr ("parker")
Just saw you were on line and wanted to say "hi". I hope things have been going well for you.
May 24, 2009
Jul 26, 2009
Bobi Carr ("parker")
I haven't seen you on-line in a while. Just wanted to drop by and say "hi". I hope everything is going well for you. My son and I ate at Superior the other day and it made me think about your visit. I hadn't ever been there before that even though I've lived here for almost 20 years.
Sep 10, 2009
Deborah Durst West
Thanks for your comments! The Packards are gorgeous cars, I have seen some real beauties at auctions. Do you remember the model of yours?
The Studebakers are interesting cars too. I just saw a 58 Packard Hawk, rare car, only 588 made! Was based on the Studebaker Golden Hawk, but supercharged!
I have not been to the Barrett Jackson auction in AZ, but I am going to the one in Vegas in Oct. I am excited about that!
I agree about hiring an attorney for the gas lease, gads, it was complicated! I never sign anything I don't understand!
Sep 17, 2009
BirdDawg, plain ole' idiot
Hope you have a great one.
Sep 29, 2009
lisa bailey
Nov 8, 2009
lisa bailey
Nov 13, 2009
Philip Hollman
Jan 15, 2010
Bobi Carr ("parker")
Looks like King John has the same thoughts on GOM problems. Solutions from unlikely sources. The tragedy of the spill may lead to all sorts of innovations. Glad there are people like you who listen to ideas from people who aren't necessarily knowledgeable in the field. I guess you never know what might spark a great idea.
May 14, 2010
Mary Alison Anders Knighton
Look forward to knowing ya too. Thanks for accepting my friendship.
Jun 7, 2010
king john
Jun 10, 2010
Bobi Carr ("parker")
I don't know Mr. Campbell, but I've been a fan for a long time. He appears to be someone who doggedly fights for whats right. As Skip said, rare indeed.
Jun 10, 2010
Bobi Carr ("parker")
My son is also working on "ideas" for stopping the flow.
It's amazing how tragedies can have lifelong influence and can lead to good.
Hopefully this will be one of those things than influence him and many other kiddos to learn more about science and engineering and go on to apply that knowledge in the future.
Jun 23, 2010
Skip Peel - Mineral Consultant
Jul 7, 2010
Skip Peel - Mineral Consultant
Jul 8, 2010
North LA
Jul 12, 2010
Skip Peel - Mineral Consultant
Jul 12, 2010
North LA
Aubrey and I have already talked about the possible players and I have a good friend who is a landman for a pipeline company who told me the same players so we kind of figured it out. I appologize for taking information you wanted to keep private. It was wrong and sneeky and I should of passed it by you first. Sorry for not respecting your private conversation with Aubrey.
Jul 12, 2010
little ole 1st grade teacher
Jul 14, 2010
tony allen
We are having a mineral Chalybeat Springs mineral owners meeting in Magnolia on August 9th,7pm.If you are in town,consider this an invitation to attend.I think there will be owners from both units there and might help you make some new contacts to help in your efforts to break up the Horsehead unit.I have talk to over 15 of the mineral owners since receiving the list from my atty yesterday and the response has been 100% positive.Good luck and hope to see you there.
Jul 23, 2010
tony allen
I'm glad you are going to try to attend.Please send me your cell phone #,so I can call you when I get there.I plan on arriving on the 8th.My cell is 270-978-8432.See you in a couple of weeks.Oh yeah,3 more people came aboard with our efforts this morning.The only person who has refused was an atty in Magnolia,who also has a WI.He always was an A******* anyway!!!
Jul 24, 2010
Skip Peel - Mineral Consultant
Sep 12, 2010
Skip Peel - Mineral Consultant
Sep 13, 2010
Skip Peel - Mineral Consultant
Sep 13, 2010
mike sanders
Not sure, my father was Audis Sanders. What is your fathers name?
Oct 2, 2010
mike sanders
I don't know Clifton but I'm pretty sure we're related, how old are you? I'm 55, moved from Shreveport to NJ in 1986. Ny dad had 9 brothers and sisters.
Oct 3, 2010
mike sanders
My grandfather was Wesley Sanders and lived north of Shreveport in Vivian, LA.
Oct 3, 2010
tim sewell
Oct 10, 2010