

Provencal, Louisiana

United States

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  • Tbear N5

    Nope haven't heard anything about that well... have you checked it in Sonris?
  • Ladybug

    well we have talked to 4 lawyers and they said there was nothing we could, but it dosen't stop me from complaining about it ,I know I should let it go
  • Natch N3

    i think what happened to pat todd and the discussions are weird. whatever has been involved with this well has been strange compared to any other in the shale play. it's frustrating.
  • Ladybug

    I know,I was told not to use my real name didn't relize why till then !!!!
  • Ladybug

    That's no fair you know me but i don't know you
  • Ladybug

    o.k. now i know and i hope your right about the $$$
  • Rather Not

    Wow, lets see if I can answer.  Well, we are looking across 3-4 counties.  We have just begun our title search, which, as I'm sure you know can take many months.  And we have started with the largest mineral owners first.  I just saw your comment, which was in our focus area, and thought I'd ask for a little more information.  Regards.