

Zwolle, La

United States

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  • Lrb2brnot2b

    OK , I see you signed off but I am not giving up on you yet. I worked nights longer that any one.
  • Ladybug

    ?? we leased our land for 10 acers but we have 11.5, so will they go by the lease or go by the tax accessor records??? (now that i can trust you)
  • Lrb2brnot2b

    the o/g people have applied for 25 permits to drill on 25 separate 640 acre tracks up there and i'm sure you will be in one of those tracks. Those townships and ranges are listed on the web for you to look at. These are starter wells to bind the leases by production . they will then come back and place up to 8 wells/640 acres. thats possibly 200 wells up there. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$