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  • Les Bamburg

    Sarah, I sent you a "friends" request. I suggest you add me and this allows private discussion.
  • durango mom 01

  • durango mom 01

  • Sarah

    Durango mom, this is all new to me too, and I am just figuring it out. I haven't been to this kind of forum before. I thought I had clicked to add you as a friend but I guess I just requested to be your friend. I thought I had done both. Sorry for the mix up. It should work now.
  • Charmine

    Hi Sarah...just checkin' in to see if you were still as anxious in Missouri as I am in Montana!
  • easttexas12

    Hi Sarah, you have Devon by the yangyang in my opinion. If there wasn't Haynesville Shale natural gas in that unit they wouldn't have bought it lol.
    Time is your friend (I sound like the ol' magic eightball ; )
  • Har C2

    I am drawing a map of Shelby I just have not finished it yet. I am using the road to divide Shelby in east and west is that good enough.
  • Charmine

    Hiya Sarah...just checkin' in with you...we have a new group and it is very quiet in there...all I can hear is myself in there, lol...just trying to amuse myself as I sit and wait!
  • Charmine

    I see you don't have it added yet...look in your groups, or go look on my page...there is now a Shelby County group!
  • Charmine

    Kay, can't figure out how to mail you, silly me! Just my same offer from a couple of weeks ago, which is apparently still negotiable. I am not going to be surprised if I don't hear from another o/g company with an offer. I think between the inheritance bit, and not a large amount of might be too much work for them right now. IF Center gets hot in the play, it may be a different story then. Everyone keeps saying hold out...hold out til when? I think that holding out maybe isn't in everyone's best interests. Depends on what kind of gambler one is I suppose. I'm thinking the offers could possibly dissappear as fast as they arrived, and I'm not sure I'm in a position to risk not picking up the found money at all. What do you think?
  • Shelley " Harris" Underhill

    Thank you Sarah for responding to me so quickly.. I know it will all work out... I guess my 1st step will be the RR commission. I am just so far away... Alabama ~ TN line... It will all work out... I am not in charge anyway GOD is..... LOL ,So why Stress.... Well lets see..( WHY STRESS TONIGHT) five hundred and 44 copies of all these papers from 1880, that, I just ran through my printer.... (COULD HAVE DONE IT) No, really it was only 100 hehehehe, I am just trying to keep it lite.... like I said thanks so much for the encouragement.. hope to talk to you soon.... Shelley
  • JRCFarms

    You are very welcome Sarah. I always vote for who is right as best I can figure it out and Barack is not the choice. If GB was really so smart he wouldn't have to look so hard at barack to see he is wrong for America.Higher Taxes and Bigger Government is never good for the middle class.
    God Bless You and Yours Sarah.
  • Two Dogs, Pirate

    It had do do with only leasing the depths that the HS exists. Nothing above or below. At least that is what I think the conversation was about.
  • Skip Peel - Mineral Consultant

    Sarah. Yes I delete comments after I have answered member's questions. And I have had to start moderating my page to avoid the personal attacks that I receive. That's a shame but just how the site seems to work these days.

    An operator can apply for a drilling and production unit when 75+% of the land is under lease. When you see the term, "force pool", that is the legal means by which the LA. state Department of Natural Resources requires other companies holding leases in a unit to cooperate with the operator in order to fully develop the minerals. Landowners read "force pool" as being aimed at them. It is not. And it is quite usual for a unit app to be made with some landowners not leased. Once a unit order is approved, the operator will make an effort to get all landowners leased. They will not ignore you. As a basic business principle, they would like to have 100% participation by way of a lease agreement. And will delay development if they do not have 90+% in most cases. If you choose not to sign a lease, you are not done away with. LA. mineral law provides you some protections. If you go unleased, you will still receive royalty payments. Instead of a 25% share of your minerals provided for in most current leases, you will get 100%. But the operator is allowed to recover 100% of their cost to drill a well before you receive a payment. If you are thinking that a Haynesville Shale well may be drilled in the unit including your property, that pay out may not take too long. Say about 6 to 9 months after your neighbors start receiving their royalty checks if the well is a horizontal by a good operator. And if they are leased at 25%, you will receive four times their amount per acre. You will read many comments about shady operators and unfair practices on the site and they do occur. But the vast majority of operators are honest and conscientious. As current regulations allow for a maximum of 8 HA wells per section, if you are unleased you will go through the same process for each well. As to Jim Krow's comment, well, his answer has some validity if your property is in TX. And Jim is very experienced if a little crusty. If your property is in LA., then I stand by my answer. Hope this helps, Regards, Skip
  • Skip Peel - Mineral Consultant

    Sarah. Good Luck. And thanks for the friend request. As I am an independent landman, I won't get laid off. I'll just probably have a little extra time to go fishing.
  • Tom Johnson

    Yes will be glad to , he's in Athens, Tx., please send email to,, for name and #, when I am on this site, I get bumped constantly as site is so large, old pc can't handle the site volume. As a result, I don't get in here like I used too, u have been getting a lot of good replies/info. Tom (orig. from Neosho-NewtonCo,
  • Skip Peel - Mineral Consultant

    Sarah. The picture is of my father. He was a professional baseball player. He played in the major leagues for the St. Louis Cardinals, the Philadelphia Phillies and the New York Giants. He was a member of the Giants 1933 World Series team. He is a member of the Texas Baseball Hall of Fame, the Texas League Hall of Fame and the Shreveport-Bossier Sports Museum of Champions. He passed away in 1996 at the age of 93. He was a very humble and gentlemanly guy. And I was very proud of him.
  • Shelley

    Sarah, your kids are so cute...... A true blessing!!!!
  • Les Bamburg

    Sarah, thanks for the feedback. I am happy to continue doing the update but just was trying to gauge if it was really being used. We do the same thing at work. I am sorry I can't do the same thing for Texas but it is too difficult to identify the Bossier (Haynesville) Shale wells.
  • adubu

    sarah--if you have clean title to your minerals from your Dad and the minerals are undivided minerals and not with a piece of land with the minerals 100% with that piece of land I don't think Devon can cut you out. Talk again with your attorney he owes you detail explanation if can not I would go to another board cretified Oil & Gas attorney for another opinion. In mean while I would contact royalty owner relation department with Devon sending certified letter with copy of documents supporting your ownership of minerals (legal description plus copy of father will leaving minerals to you) in the unit. If necessary get the adminstrator of your father will to cut you a mineral deed for the minerals and record same in Shelby Count record office
  • Keith Mauck (Site Publisher)

    Thanks for sending that. I think think the politics group would be best.
  • Phillip H

    Thanks Sarah at least I got in a unit a lot of people I know didn't even get leased.
  • Phillip H

    Thanks Sarah theve drilled on my unit just waiting on the fracing