Shelley " Harris" Underhill

Athens, Al ~ Via Hurricane KATRINA

United States

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  • Sarah

    Hi again Shelley! I'm sorry, this has been such a crazy day for me.
    You are so right. God is Sovreign and certainly is in control. Thankfully He loves us!
    Yes, the RR commission is where to find info on what wells are producing. I think you can find out how much has been produced as well there. Also just keep reading here. You are taking positive steps just by reading as many posts as you can.
    I am far away too. I wish I could be in the community and get to know these kind hearted folks on the boards.
    I live in Missouri now (as of last October), after being a Texan all my life. It's wierd living in a different place!
    I am sorry to hear you were displaced by Katrina. Hopefully Gustav didn't cause you any grief. I would love to vacation in eastern Tennesse sometime. It's been years since I've been there.
    Wow, even a HUNDRED copies from 1880 run thru your computer is enough to make it pant. :) And how neat that you have those old documents. The people who made the originals back in 1800's could not concieve of the technology we have today! But wouldn't it have been fun to get everywhere by horse or walking or rail? No cement jungles and exaust. I am from Houston Texas, I know all about that.
    This is all pretty exciting though isn't it? I wish you the best and hope we can stay in touch!
  • Sarah

    Hi Shelley. You're not sure? I'm sorry I am not understanding what you are refering to.
  • Shelley " Harris" Underhill

    you asked me how to add ME as a friend....... Because I asked you.. lol.....