

United States

Comment Wall:

  • Marty Knowles

    Hey Mike! Good to hear from you as it has been a long time. Hope you are doing well. I'm living and working over here in Malaysia presently and working for Atwood Oceanics. I'm the manager of the semi rig Atwood Falcon and currently working for Shell. I don't get home but once a year and usually take my vacation in November for hunting season. If this land leasing works out hopefully I can retire sooner that I planned. I own +-150 acres which is the old Bozeman bottom place wit the pecan orchard. I leased my land three years ago for $100/acre and it is due to expire next month so I am crossing my fingers they forget about the extension. Anyway I hear there is some big money being offered for property now and hope we can take advantage of it. Are you still working in the oilfield? Last time I talked to Tim he was working for Ensco, but haven't seen him in a while. Take care ans drop me a line when you have a chance...