hello marty, I haven't seen you in a while, This is mike sepulvado, tim sepulvado's brother. Mary and i still have the green house just past springridge church going north on hwy 175. hope you are doing well? I would appericate any info on the land around our area. my e-mail at work is mikesepulvado@yahoo.com, home is mikethe250@bellsouth.net. I will be home this coming friday the18th. my wife and i are living in zwolle now going on 6 years. I hope we can visit in the next couple weeks. talk to you later. MAY GOD BLESS!!!!
What are your thought on the site? You have been a member for some time...any thoughts...good or bad? What would the site benefit from? Email me at haynesvilleshale@yahoo.com.
Marty Knowles
Jul 2, 2008
Jul 14, 2008
Keith Mauck (Site Publisher)
May 19, 2009