John Parker

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Plays that you follow
Antrim, Bakken, Barnett, Eagle Ford, Fayetteville, Haynesville, International, Marcellus, Rocky Mountain, Woodford

Comment Wall:

  • John Parker

    Hello! I hope the site is a place for you to learn, network and contribute. My name is Keith and I started the site in June of 2008 to open up lines of communication between landowners. Since then, we have grown to over 13,000 members.

    Because our network has grown word-of-mouth, I want to encourage you to invite your friends and family by clicking here.

    Be sure to check out our tool bar. It will speed up your participation. Download our free toolbar

    There are a couple things you should check out. 1) Check out current discussions. 2) Join in on the County and Parish Groups. By joining a County or Parish, you are networking locally with people who share similar concerns.

    Be sure to read up on how to navigate the site HERE. This will help you get the most out of the site.

    As a member, should you ever be on the recieving end of crudeness, rudeness or spam, let me know. The site is a peered monitored site and we need your assistance.


    Keith "Haynesville"
    Site Publisher

    P.S. Have fun SHALING!

  • Andrew

    John, do you have a source or a link to this analyst comment?

    "Tuscaloosa (GDP EOG ECA HK DVN): Expectations on the well costs on EOG’s first two horizontals (Dupuy and Gauthier) have been pegged in the $10MM-$10.5MM range by other industry players in the basin. We believe that if wells end up costing $10MM and end up hitting ECA’s type curve of 730 Mboe (with an 80% crude cut), then the TMS will rank among the most economic plays in the country."
  • Skip Peel - Mineral Consultant

    John, Anselmo is an Internet troll.  Nothing that you post will change his agenda or his tone.  He has been on GHS before with his anti-fracing, anti-industry polemics.  His goal is to keep his discussion at the top of the Main Page.  Outside of banning him from the site, which Keith does not do often, the best approach is to ignore him until he goes away.  If he can't get a rise out of anyone he will get bored and stop posting, for now.