Mills and Frances Bain McCawley
  • Evergreen, CO
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  • Skip Peel - Mineral Consultant
  • shelbyco

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At 9:43 on March 2, 2010, Mills and Frances Bain McCawley said…
Sorry Skip, I had no knowledge of any credit unit. I have had problems locating property and mineral interests because I inheired from my grandparents moreso than my father. I wish I could be more help. I have very fond memories of L.A., Ralph and Frank from bar-b-ques at our camp on Cross Lake. They were all nice looking and really sweet men. Could the Sheet Metal Workers' Union help with this at all? Tell L.A.'s kin hello from Cissy Bain. Hope to hear from you soon,


P.S. Mills says hi, too!!
At 12:02 on March 1, 2010, Skip Peel - Mineral Consultant said…
Frances. Thank you for the prompt reply. Let me more clear, I am not asking if your father owned the Bain Company. I thought you might know if the employees of Bain Roofing did business with a specific credit unit that may have been associated with the United Brotherhood of Sheet Metal Workers? As you were twelve, that may be a question beyond your knowledge. I am searching for assets that would have been part of L. A. Smart's estate. We are just now getting around to filing a succession and you can imagine the difficulty with trying to do so accurately twenty-five years after his passing. Give Mills my regards, Skip
At 7:20 on March 1, 2010, Skip Peel - Mineral Consultant said…
Hello, Mills and Frances. I have a question for Frances regarding the Bain Company. Did the company have any connection with a credit union? I am helping the daughter of L. A. Smart (my cousin) put together a long over due succession. We are trying to identify any assets that may remain after all these years. I hope this finds you both healthy and happy. Regards, Skip
At 11:03 on September 12, 2009, Mills and Frances Bain McCawley said…
Skip -

We do have two small interests, leased, but not producing, in Marion County - one in the The Gray Bonham 160 acre tract in the Robert Potter Survey, North, East and West of Caddo Lake on the state line and one in the E.E. Easterling 220 acre tract in the Martin G Nall Survey A-300, also on the state line North and West of Caddo Lake. The three year leases will run out in less than 1 1/2 yrs. We look forward to renegotiating if there is no activity before the leases terminate.

We also have two small producing interests in the Cotton Valley Formation in the Elm Grove Field (gas) and in the Redland field (gas and oil) West of Springhill, both in Bossier Parish. Old leases with no Pugh Clauses and not much chance of our being able to participate in the Shale there.

I spoke to Paul Wood, oil and gas lawyer, in Bossier yesterday who told me his business was about to fall off, probably, next week. Are you staying busy?

I understand that the price of gas needs to be closer to $6 than the present $3 before Chesapeake and others can make a decent profit. Does that sound right?

Please keep us posted if anything interesting happens and it is so good to be back in contact with you. Please tell your family hello for me(Frances aka Cissy).


Frances & Mills
At 10:06 on September 12, 2009, Skip Peel - Mineral Consultant said…
Frances, good to hear that you enjoy living in CO. I hear from Joe on a semi-regular basis. He is living in Cape Coral, FL. Do you have Haynesville Shale minerals? If so, let me know if I can help in any way. And give Mills my regards. Skip
At 8:51 on September 12, 2009, Skip Peel - Mineral Consultant said…
Hello, Mills and Frances. Welcome to GHS. Do you ever hear from that vagabond, Joe Ward?


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Posted by Keith Mauck (Site Publisher) on November 20, 2024 at 12:40

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