FrackNation Video Contest: You could be in the documentary!

Energy is all around us. It powers everything from iPads to eye exams, from air conditioners to automobiles. Yet energy production, especially natural gas production, is maligned by environmentalists and the media as dirty, unsustainable, and bad for the environment.

It's time to counter this rhetoric with stories about the positive values of energy production.

We want you to submit 1-minute (or shorter) clips of what energy means to you. We're so excited about what you're going to submit, that we want to include the most compelling clips in FrackNation! Three winners will be chosen by the directors of FrackNation.

Additionally, there will be a Viewer's Choice prize: an iPad!

Visit our Facebook page for more details...


Daniel T. Richards
New Media Director

Views: 31

Tags: contest, energy, facebook, fracknation, video

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