Hello I own property in SW Desoto (T11 R14W Sec 25) my place is HBP. I see alot of drilling activity, but has anyone heard of plans of the big players going after the haynesville shale gas down this way yet? I am in the Lula area.

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I check on sonris for you in section 31 T12n R11w. There has been no recent activity in this area. I looked for recent and current wells in about three section radius around 31 and found no activity. The wells I refered to above are in T11N R12, Harris is in sec 19. This well is in Oxford. The section, township and range you referred to in Dolet HIlls close to what we use to call Dolet Break. There has not been alot of activity since 1983, probably due to the mining of lignite in that area. I hope that this helps.
Thank you both!
So if they were mining lignite, they can't drill for gas?
(I have no clue what lignite is or it's contraindications to natural gas.)
You own the minerals in this area and aren't familiar with lignite? Lignite is a low grade coal that is being strip mined in Dolet hills and transported via conveyor to a power plant in Naborton. Land owners in that area recieved payments for the right to mine the coal under their property. I believe they have already mined around Dolet brake and have moved back up closer to hwy. 175 around the Heard rd.
Thanks, libe out of state and have only visited the property once about 8 years ago. There was no mining goin on then. I am told there is no mining going on now either. I was jsut curious. I knwo what it is now though.
It will take me a bit to relocate this information but I will post it as soon as I can.
Sorry it took so long. There are a couple of wells that I am keeping a eye on in this area. 1) Sec 19 T11N R12W, 2) Sec 27 T 11N R13W. Well #1 is the Harris well, as best I can tell, I am no expert, it is going to be a horizontal HS well. Well #2 Rocking G Farms is a wildcat well. That means that they do not have to release any data on the well for one year. It may be a while before we find out how good it is. It was drilled to about 12,500 feet not sure if horizontal or vertical but is HS depth. This well is located physically off the Hudson Darby Road that runs between HWY 171 and Oxford.
DYST_IP-You seem to follow activity around the Hudson Darby Road and the Oxford Harris Well. Do you know what is up with the potential drill sites where timber has been cut and pads are apparently being prepared at two locations? One is on the south side of the Sam Booker Road between Catuna Road and Hudson Darby Road and the other is on the Oxford Highway, just north of where the Sam Booker Road enters that highway. Just curious.
Wow, that's awesome! Who did they lease with?
thanks for the post, and that is great news.
This is great news. My property sits on both sides of Highway 171 near Keatchie. Access from the road must be a key to negotiating these leases. The 80 acres you mentioned is close to Highway 84. You have given me something to leverage with the energy company.
Keep up the good work, people. Go team!


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